Black Metal.

The amount of "metal chicks" who glorify Buruzm 24/7 on my facebook feed is disturbing at this point. I don't understand the obsession with the band.
Because "metal chicks" posting about Burzum on Facebook, definitely lessens the artist's artistic legitimacy and historical impact. There's no way that could be dumb reasoning. Lmao.
I'm not arguing that Burzum sucks because retarded women on social media glorify them, I just don't understand the obsession with the band. The biggest impact Burzum seems to have to me is creating annoying kids obsessed with being "kvlt"
There's probably no more often copied band in BM than Burzum. Pretty much every ambient/atmospheric BM act is Burzum worship (which is even more impressive considering ambient and atmospheric BM includes many of the most interesting products of the genre).
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Burzum invented ambient black metal, which spawned thousands of clone bands, literally singlehandedly. And also created two of the highest quality, most artistically realized metal albums of all time (HLTO and Filosofem).

It's okay to not like Burzum (we can't all be winners); but to not respect his artistic or historical significance in metal canon is basically admitting "I don't understand black metal".

Also, what Internally Deformed said.
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Didn't Transilvanian Hunger also influence that part of black metal to a great extent? I'm not saying Burzum didn't but as far as "atmospheric" goes, that album sort of fits the bill. Especially for its time.
Another reason I brought up Transilvanian Hunger was Varg's involvement with it. So, perhaps he expanded further on ideas he had with that album.
He didn't. He wrote the lyrics for the final 4 tracks.

They were pretty bizarre as well. It's called TRANSILVANIAN HUNGER, Varg. I know you want to go back to that time and be the shrimpiest hipster viking who ever lived but for fuck's sake, at least get with the theme.
Speaking of Darkthrone, here's the cover art for their upcoming release Arctic Thunder. Supposedly it will be more serious and primitive compared to their recent efforts.


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