Black Metal.

They probably mean it's a bit less sloppy and a bit more like their older stuff. Not that this is a bad thing, I like nearly every Darkthrone album.
There's not point arguing with him about this Internally Deformed, he's had countless debates with CIG in the subject of modern Darkthrone.

Actually you should go ahead because his verbose insults are amazing and entertaining to read.

Okay, I'll give it a shot.

I actually used to dislike modern Darkthrone, back when I listened to Black Metal, a little bit of Death Metal and pretty much nothing else. It's when I developed an appreciation of Trad that I returned to them and realised just what awesome albums they are. They've basically taken everything that I like about old school heavy metal, but stripped away the underlying fagginess and replaced it with an ironic black metal crustiness that's a hundred times cooler.
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I'm a ridiculous freak over trad metal, love it. But what Darkthrone does with it? Drives me frigging nuts. They act like they're bringing back the hallowed 80's trad metal gloriousness, meanwhile there's innumerable other bands doing the same retro metal schtick, only inestimably better. Thus turning a band that was once a maverick source of great black metal and overall musical brilliance, into a schmaltzy, hokey-doke foundry of gratuitous, unadulterated, derpy faggotry. Pitchfork and all the other pencil-dick hipster dish rags can jump in a lake of liquid sarin and arsenic-laced thumbtacks for holding those recorded examples of how to not play decent retro metal up as critical masterstrokes.