Black Metal.

Still get a massive kick out of this Bulgarian black metal demo. Wonder where he went and why he suddenly stopped making any music or having any online presence.
Here's a recent find that's really made an impression. The music is filled to the brim with those eerie melodies that make black metal great.
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Straight to my 'check out' list.

Cobalt fucking rules, although I prefer Slow Forever over Eater of Birds. Also, Wunder's side project, Man's Gin, is an awesome dark folk act.

A few highlights from 2018 for me were new ones by Uada, Sojourner, and Mesarthim. Definitely a lot I haven't had time to check out, but I'm hoping for some nice surprises in 2019.
I mean they don't sound that much like Mgla to the point of ripping them off, and it's not like Mgla's sound is that unique tbh.

Reminder that this is Mgla's best song:

So good. These vocals are disgusting and wretched.
The last Cobalt album has the dude from Lord Mantis on vocals so it has that blackened sludgeness about it. Although I still like the album a lot, I do feel it is their weakest release based on the vox. But that album is nowhere near horrendous.
That song was atrocious to me, hard pass on the whole album if it's anything like that. I barely even like regular stoner metal and Lord Mantis never did a thing for me even when I was at my most balls deep in sludge metal.
Wow, surprised to see hate on Slow Forever. I thought it was one of the best albums of 2016. Love the melodic take on Black/Sludge you don't hear much of. In fact I'm not aware of any that isn't a headache inducing dissonant mess aside from Entropia & Inter Arma.
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I checked out Slow Forever when it made the 2016 list and there are aspects of it I like. I love how oppressively plodding it is (really lives up to the title) and some of my favorite parts of the album are the really mind-numbingly repetitive ones like the outro to Elephant Graveyard that just goes on and on. What brings it down for me is Slipknot-tier lyrics and vocal performance (I like the pessimistic bent of the album, but a lot of the lyrics are just edgy word salad; "COLD WHORES HAIR MOTHER FUCKING NIGHTMARE" etc.) and I wish they'd pick better riffs to repeat incessantly.
Please don’t insult Slipknot by comparing them to this garbage.

The last Cobalt album has the dude from Lord Mantis on vocals so it has that blackened sludgeness about it. Although I still like the album a lot, I do feel it is their weakest release based on the vox. But that album is nowhere near horrendous.

Honestly I hated everything about that song. I think you know my taste in black metal quite well so you should know I wouldn’t like something like this. If it can even be called black metal. And yeah the vocals are atrocious.

I don’t remember Eater of Birds sounding anything like this, or being anywhere near as offensive.
I challenged myself by listening to Slow Forever multiple times in its entirety. That doesn't make it a good album.