Black Metal.

I constantly surprise myself by what I've grown to appreciate, recently especially. I'm always trying to challenge my comfort levels with music, but some things just don't work. To each their own I guess.
Yeah, I think most people here try to move out of their comfort and discover new stuff. Except Morguelord, who apparently only listens to death metal. But I’ve been listening to metal for over half my life now and I mostly know what I do and don’t like in terms of sound, so it gets more difficult.

I do sometimes wonder if I hadn’t discovered my favourite metal albums at the points in my life that I did, would I even like them as much? Really difficult to answer that. Some of them hold huge nostalgic value for me and helped me through difficult times of my life. Times where I was a socially awkward person and lacked a lot of confidence. Times where I was struggling accepting not being straight. And just some pretty dark times in general. It’s hard for things I’m dicovering now to compete with that.
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I do sometimes wonder if I hadn’t discovered my favourite metal albums at the points in my life that I did, would I even like them as much? Really difficult to answer that.

The real question is, would you still like all of your favorite albums if no country had never been born?
Times where I was struggling accepting not being straight. And just some pretty dark times in general. It’s hard for things I’m dicovering now to compete with that.

To add to this, I recently got friendly with someone from work and he said to me: “I did think you might potentially be bi or even gay, but then when I found you listen primarily to that extreme metal stuff, I thought no way then”. I thought that was quite funny, and also rather offensive. Can’t think of much more metal than getting drilled by a huge cock - just look at Halford!
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I don’t remember Eater of Birds sounding anything like this, or being anywhere near as offensive.

It’s the only album without McSorley (Recluse) on vocals. The tone of the band changed without him. I remember the other guy kicked him out because he’s a nut job. I like Cobalt’s first three but Slow Forever was a pass for me as soon as it came out.

All Cobalt albums are great, guys. Slow Forever is pretty different from their previous long plays, but it's just another magnificent work of theirs! It has some stoner and sludge leanings thanks to the contribution of Charlie Fell, who has an infernal voice and inconceivable, anguished screams. I'm still looking forward to their next release, but unfortunately there's no info about upcoming plans for Cobalt. Fucking ace band, motherfuckers!
I have high hopes for the new Svartidaudi. Wasnt a big year for black metal for me except for CdG and maybe Drudkh. Anyone want to recommend me some albums to check out from '18?

Any kind of black metal is fine but leave the black thrash out, I keep up with it pretty well because its a favorite of mine.
i'll chuck out ten i liked that haven't been mentioned much around here:
aorlhac - l'espirit des vents
autarcie - sequania
blackrat - dread reverence (black thrash but nobody else has mentioned them afaik)
chaos invocation - reaping season, bloodshed beyond
lutomysl - ecce homo
nachash - phantasmal triunity
spite - antimoshiach
strigoii - the oldest of blood
transilvania - the night of nights
uruk - nihilistic warfare in inhuman realms
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I really wasn't impressed with the new CdG album, I think I lost my taste for them.

Do check out the Rur album from this year. Dense atmosphere on that one. Aorlhac was pretty cool as well.
Mooncitadel, Communion, Panphage and Vargrav was my favourite black metal of 2018. Then the Uruk, SdG and Nachash made my top 10. But most of the rest of Old Waind’s list is pretty good. Just a few I haven’t heard.

Have you listened to the new Invocation Spells? I prefer their older material, but this one has been pretty well received.

Then there’s the Spectral Wound which quite a few people here have mentioned.

Try Occelensbrigg if you want something raw and atmospheric.
Nachtfrost - Spectral Domains of Dusk if you want some heavy metal influenced black metal.
Getting psyched for the new Saor, comes out next month.

All Cobalt albums are great, guys. Slow Forever is pretty different from their previous long plays, but it's just another magnificent work of theirs! It has some stoner and sludge leanings thanks to the contribution of Charlie Fell, who has an infernal voice and inconceivable, anguished screams. I'm still looking forward to their next release, but unfortunately there's no info about upcoming plans for Cobalt. Fucking ace band, motherfuckers!

Wunder's side project, Man's Gin, has a new one coming out soon--so maybe after the tour for that Cobalt will be back on track.

I also loved Slow Forever. I'm always a fan when a band does a style change and amps it to the max. It's not an easy album to listen to, or even pleasurable all the time even, but that's one of the reasons I like it. I found it a challenge with rewarding moments.

The folk fan in me also loves the folkish undertones that seep in to Wunder's writing, even in Cobalt.