Black Metal.

Seriously. Shame Xasthur and Leviathan don't play live. Or if they do, not near me. And if they do, I don't know about it, and it sucks.
It would be exceedingly hard for one man projects like that to pull off a live show to their liking.

Nachtmystium and Averse Sefira seem to be just about the only USBM bands that tour. It's certainly working out well for them. Blake from Nachtmystium has said that he's gotten gigs just because basically no other USBM bands play live. They're pretty good live. They stick to a lot of the headbanging type songs that appeal to a live crowd. Expect to hear:
Cold Tormentor (I've Become)
A Seed For Suffering
Antichrist Messiah
Chosen By No One
Solitary Voyage
New Song on the myspace page
The set should contain songs like that. As much as I would love to see Xasthur live, it probably wouldn't make for that great of a live set.

Leviathan however, would absolutely slay. The hard part would be for Wrest to decide what to play. His bass and drum parts are tougher than in most black metal.
I would love to meet Wrest in person. He's kind of a funny guy. Actually he seems like kind of a douche but he makes a good tune every now and then.
Dude, as far as naming bands go, shocking people really isnt the way to be. If you're trying to attract any sort of fanbase or grow at all, you're really not going to appeal to the kiddies when your name is pig destroyer. Granted some people go for that, but who's mother is going to look at an anal abortion cd and go yeah, that looks fucking wholesome, lets get you into that bruhhhtell mehtulz? Lol and as far as it being an insult in spanish, labelling your band that probably wont get you fans either... insulting your own band... nice...
It would be exceedingly hard for one man projects like that to pull off a live show to their liking.

Nachtmystium and Averse Sefira seem to be just about the only USBM bands that tour. It's certainly working out well for them. Blake from Nachtmystium has said that he's gotten gigs just because basically no other USBM bands play live. They're pretty good live. They stick to a lot of the headbanging type songs that appeal to a live crowd. Expect to hear:
Cold Tormentor (I've Become)
A Seed For Suffering
Antichrist Messiah
Chosen By No One
Solitary Voyage
New Song on the myspace page
The set should contain songs like that. As much as I would love to see Xasthur live, it probably wouldn't make for that great of a live set.

Leviathan however, would absolutely slay. The hard part would be for Wrest to decide what to play. His bass and drum parts are tougher than in most black metal.

Fuckin great, now I'm actually excited. I was half-expecting to listen to torture sounds for their hour-long set.

I understand what you're saying about the whole one-man-band thing, it's true, they do usually have a certain way of doing things that they simply can't expect other people to understand and play. Though still, if by chance they got some session players, I'd definitely give it a try. I fucking love good USBM.

Speaking of Judas Iscariot though, now that would be great live. I'd travel out of NY to see that shit.
I would love to meet Wrest in person. He's kind of a funny guy. Actually he seems like kind of a douche but he makes a good tune every now and then.
Apparently he's around 40 or something. He played drums in some sort of rock band for a long time before finding black metal. He either runs a tattoo parlor or works at one in San Francisco, so if you really wanted to find him you could I guess.

Malefic on the other hand apparently has never had any sort of job that anyone knows of. I've heard that he's married too, which seems hilarious.

Since Nachtmystium is local I've met all of them. All really cool guys. Blake is in charge of Battle Kommand Records, so they had a sales guy at the last show. Lots of great BM albums at $10, no tax. I'm not sure if that's just local or if that goes on the road.
Since Nachtmystium is local I've met all of them. All really cool guys. Blake is in charge of Battle Kommand Records, so they had a sales guy at the last show. Lots of great BM albums at $10, no tax. I'm not sure if that's just local or if that goes on the road.

When I saw them last time he brought a pretty large table of merch. They are definately a hard working band, and I think put on a great show. I sadly wont be able to see the show in NYC because of work. I will however be seeing them on tour with Watain, and I can't wait.
It would be exceedingly hard for one man projects like that to pull off a live show to their liking.

Nachtmystium and Averse Sefira seem to be just about the only USBM bands that tour. It's certainly working out well for them. Blake from Nachtmystium has said that he's gotten gigs just because basically no other USBM bands play live. They're pretty good live. They stick to a lot of the headbanging type songs that appeal to a live crowd. Expect to hear:
Cold Tormentor (I've Become)
A Seed For Suffering
Antichrist Messiah
Chosen By No One
Solitary Voyage
New Song on the myspace page
:worship: I wish I could go to this, but the closest they are coming is New Hampshire, and I just can't get out that far. :(
Dude, as far as naming bands go, shocking people really isnt the way to be. If you're trying to attract any sort of fanbase or grow at all, you're really not going to appeal to the kiddies when your name is pig destroyer. Granted some people go for that, but who's mother is going to look at an anal abortion cd and go yeah, that looks fucking wholesome, lets get you into that bruhhhtell mehtulz? Lol and as far as it being an insult in spanish, labelling your band that probably wont get you fans either... insulting your own band... nice...

Just fucking leave. You have no idea what you're talking about...
Averse Sefira interview

What are your views as regards black metal music in different countries (above all European)?
Off the top of my head, Norway these days seems like a joke that nobody but the bands involved seems to get, Sweden is the current stronghold for all things worth hearing and supporting, Germany has a handful of noteworthy bands and then scads of enclavish scenesters who simply take up space, America delivers football-inspired death metal that they insist is Black Metal just because they wear corpsepaint, England has no Black Metal scene in any regard, France is another vanguard of the current regime and their bands are cancerous and awesomely foul, Russia's bands are brooding and somewhat bizarre but very convincing, Italy's bands are surprisingly boring given their penchant for horror films (though most of those are boring too, now that I think of it), South America's bands are intense and passionate about their work even though there are several who need to innovate more before they can compete on a larger scale, Australia's bands sound like Motorhead, Poland's bands are all almost exclusively NS and steadfastly minimalist, and Canada's bands are all apocalyptic with werewolves for frontmen and machine gun turrets for drummers.

Nice :)