Black Metal.

Update on that other show...

Averse Sefira was shit. They were too drunk, possibly? Kept tripping all over the place, and the guitar was almost 100% mute.

Nachtmystium = win. The best set I've ever seen at any show. That other guy who predicted the songs they'd play was amazingly right. Great set, fucking beautiful shit. The crowd almost knocked over the barricade in front of the stage when Blake had one foot on that shit and was screaming into the faces of two extremely under-age girls.

Goatwhore was surprisingly not as horrible as one might imagine, though I only saw their last 3 songs due to being outside, trying to get drunk and not pay $50 for it at the venue.

1349 was mixed...I'd thought they would be great, but Frost apparently doesn't tour with them, and they had the second-to-last Nile drummer...forget his name off the top of my head, but he did pretty well to compare with Frost. They played some sick shit, but it was too much Hellfire shit, and not enough Beyond the Apocalypse tracks. Still, good show overall, so whoever is going to catch it elsewhere, do so.

Because you all care.
Averse Sefira was shit. They were too drunk, possibly? Kept tripping all over the place, and the guitar was almost 100% mute.

Nachtmystium = win. The best set I've ever seen at any show. That other guy who predicted the songs they'd play was amazingly right. Great set, fucking beautiful shit. The crowd almost knocked over the barricade in front of the stage when Blake had one foot on that shit and was screaming into the faces of two extremely under-age girls.

That's odd about Averse Sefira. I've heard such good things about their lives performances.

How was the sound for Nachtmystium? When I saw them the lead guitar was buried, but everything else was good.
That's odd about Averse Sefira. I've heard such good things about their lives performances.

How was the sound for Nachtmystium? When I saw them the lead guitar was buried, but everything else was good.

The guitar was perfectly fine, the vocals were possibly a little buried, but who cares. They were still beyond amazing.
Does anyone else think the drums on some of Gorgoroth-Under The Sign Of Hell are extremely annoying? Like in Revelation Of Doom, for example. It ruins the songs. It sounds like he is banging on a sheet of plastic with a ruler.

Yes. I never listen to that album because I can't get past the stupid drum production.
Nachtmystium = win. The best set I've ever seen at any show. That other guy who predicted the songs they'd play was amazingly right. Great set, fucking beautiful shit. The crowd almost knocked over the barricade in front of the stage when Blake had one foot on that shit and was screaming into the faces of two extremely under-age girls.
Again :worship:

the second-to-last Nile drummer...forget his name off the top of my head,
Tony Laureano
Oh. I thought he might have gotten arrested here multiple times or something :lol:

I wouldn't be surprised. That would be so metal.

I think it's someone else's case, actually. Fucking one guy from some band or other, one of the original NBM.