Black Metal.

Hubster: you really need to stop saying "without compromising the black metal ideals" or whatever alterations of said's kind of irksome! Otherwise, I'll check that stuff out.
You don't really have to say anything about BM's ideals. We all know that black metal can do new things and that it's not a totally restricted and conservative genre. We also all know that true BM can be odd or different. It's not a big deal really.
At least it's not as annoying as saying that a band promoting a Christian message can't possibly be Metal.
I guess I'm just trying to say that it (or whatever I might be referring to at the time) retains a sense of adherence to what Black Metal is really about, but not directly in a musical sense.

Someone - come up with a replacement for my "ideology" word addiction :)
It's about making music that adheres to black metal song structuring, production style, etc. NOT the fucking lyrics, please don't argue about that. Black metal, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, is about the SOUND. All music is this way.
It's about making music that adheres to black metal song structuring, production style, etc. NOT the fucking lyrics, please don't argue about that. Black metal, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, is about the SOUND. All music is this way.

... but it's also about the thought and practice, via musical and artistic expression, that what is acceptable or orthodox, is fucked and must be rebelled against in order to be free, to seek and express higher truths in the context of the political, historical and the like.
I'm looking into the following bands. Please provide your opinions.

Corpus Christii
Mor Dagor
Thy Serpent
Pogrom (Fra)
Frost (Hun)
Abused Majesty
... but it's also about the thought and practice, via musical and artistic expression, that what is acceptable or orthodox, is fucked and must be rebelled against in order to be free, to seek and express higher truths in the context of the political, historical and the like.

I'm pretty sure what it's "also about" is up to the individual artist.
I'm looking into the following bands. Please provide your opinions.

Corpus Christii

I bought 'The Torment Continues' some weeks ago and i'm pretty impressed by it. It's definitely a solid album, good production (quite dirty), and quite raw - music-wise. I can't really think of any highlights on the album though.
It's about making music that adheres to black metal song structuring, production style, etc. NOT the fucking lyrics, please don't argue about that. Black metal, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, is about the SOUND. All music is this way.

Maybe now it is, but I think early black metal was more about a theme than a sound, especially since bands like Venom and Mercyful Fate could be both be grouped together based on lyrical content despite being somewhat dissimilar in musical focus. As it formed, though, it became a sound rather than an ideology.