Black Metal.

Oh god there it is again. Anyone heard HotcrossbunThrone's new EP?

Dude, I'm fucking serious. Check him out - you will NOT be dissapointed.

EDIT: Sorry, just used to listening to bands instead of solo projects so them is alot more natural sounding than him in this situation.
Dude, I'm fucking serious. Check him out - you will NOT be dissapointed.

EDIT: Sorry, just used to listening to bands instead of solo projects so them is alot more natural sounding than him in this situation.

okay in all seriousness: a friend told me about them sometime ago (but i couldnt stop laughing at the name)... but, ive seen a number of people say good things about them, so i probably should check them out
It's about making music that adheres to black metal song structuring, production style, etc. NOT the fucking lyrics, please don't argue about that. Black metal, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, is about the SOUND. All music is this way.
Funny then how all the founders of the movement shared such similar ideas and views that they expressed their music... it's almost as if the ideology and the music were connected somehow - like maybe one inspired the other? Sure nowadays you don't need the ideology because you can just copy the sound from someone else, but the originators didn't have anyone to copy - it was their ideas that inspired the sounds that we now associate with the concept of "black metal." I find it strange how people try to separate lyrics from the rest of the music, it makes as much sense to me as separating the bass or drums.

Although it's funny how the bands these days that "don't compromise the Black Metal ideals" (s/a Gjenferdsel) are the ones that I can't even make through one song of on their MySpace page. :( The phrase has almost become synonymous with generic and stagnant.
Funny then how all the founders of the movement shared such similar ideas and views that they expressed their music... it's almost as if the ideology and the music were connected somehow - like maybe one inspired the other? Sure nowadays you don't need the ideology because you can just copy the sound from someone else, but the originators didn't have anyone to copy - it was their ideas that inspired the sounds that we now associate with the concept of "black metal." I find it strange how people try to separate lyrics from the rest of the music, it makes as much sense to me as separating the bass or drums.

Although it's funny how the bands these days that "don't compromise the Black Metal ideals" (s/a Gjenferdsel) are the ones that I can't even make through one song of on their MySpace page. :( The phrase has almost become synonymous with generic and stagnant.
If you think about it, anybody who's trying to copy something done 15 years ago is going to sound dated or boring, no matter what genre. Bands that imitate the older black metal bands sound crappy because they're imitators, not because they lack ideology. Originality is what matters and all the significant bands active in 1990-95 were original in some sense. Like many 16-22 year olds, I'm sure many of them were followers in terms of how strictly they adhered to the ideology of the scene, and I'm sure some of the best work came out of hangers-on, or people who just thought black metal was cool. A modern band like Velvet Cacoon can have no meaningful ideology and create a listening experience just as meaningful.

I've come to think the importance of ideology in black metal is remarkably overrated. If Deathspell Omega's lyrics didn't mean anything, I would still enjoy them just as much. I hardly know any of the lyrics from Drudkh, Leviathan, or Xasthur, and I love those bands regardless. Besides, no matter how sincere any lyrics or aesthetics appear to be, it's impossible to tell what a band's actual motivation is.
Everyone who love Black Metal should check out the Norwegian band, Carpathian Forest! BM dosnt get any cooler then them =)
Every album is a masterpice from their first EP "Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods" to their latest album "Fuck You All!!!!"
They are also releasing a new album this year called "Universal Evil" I cant fucking wait to hear it!

Check em out!
"Experimental/Atmospheric Death/Black Meta"

"Vladimir Cochet - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drum Programming, Keyboards (see also Unholy Matrimony, Weeping Birth, Deafening Loneliness, Accurst Journey)"

"Vladimir plays and records all the songs in his own bedroom."

Oh yeah, I'm definitely running to hear this. :erk: And those emo band names don't help either. Deafening Loneliness? Unholy Matrimony? Jesus fucking Christ.
Mirrorthrone is not for everyone. I really don't like it that much either. But for like a 23 year old guy playing well-produced post-BM/symphonic extreme metal shit out of his room in his parent's house, he RULES.
Krieg is alright. I like Destruction Ritual. And Patrick Bateman is one of the filthiest things I've ever heard.
Maybe now it is, but I think early black metal was more about a theme than a sound, especially since bands like Venom and Mercyful Fate could be both be grouped together based on lyrical content despite being somewhat dissimilar in musical focus. As it formed, though, it became a sound rather than an ideology.

Absolutely correct.
Those ones who haven't heard Marblebog yet have to do it. It's awesome ambient bm from Hungary with pretty 'dense' sound and great 'wounded animal' vocals. Csendhajnal - Silencedawn and Forestheart are really good albums. I need to check Winds Of Moors.