Black Metal.

Here lies the difference between entertainment and art - if you only seek entertainment from music, then ignoring the parts that don't immediately stimulate you is a wise move. As for the difficulty in realizing an artist's innermost motivations, I think this is what makes analysis and discussion of art so interesting (as opposed to an excuse to avoid trying to find any deeper meaning in the music). :)
I tend to look at metal from a musician's standpoint. Great, tasteful performances give me great enjoyment. Unlike most people who play music, I don't get caught up in worshiping wanky stuff. Anyway, my point is that analysis coming from a musician's perspective is something different than an artsy critical perspective, and also something different from a pure entertainment perspective. There are plenty of things in between seeking art value and base entertainment value, and we shouldn't lower these views.
I've watched as your empires have fallen
And laughed as your gods have all cried
I've tempted the souls of your pious
And tainted their minds with my lies
I've traveled across all the earth
And I've cursed it with each step I've taken
I've shed the most innocent of blood
In the name of that which you call Satan

There are no chains which can hold me
No sword which can pierce through my skin
There are no saints I've not slaughtered
And no evil I've not taken within
There is no sin I've not tasted
No blasphemy I have not embraced
No rule or law I've not broken
No scripture I have not defaced

The oath which binds me to this world
For past times and those yet to come
This oath which has left me immortal
And allows me to outlive the sun
Death it shall never embrace me
It's cold grasp shall not touch my life
I'm bound by the oath to this world
Forever free to spread pestilence and strife
I fucking love BM to death, but i do think that Bm has lost the essence and the original meaning. all the new bands are just treading on old, well-worn material and topics, but nothing new is being done. there are soem new bands that are doing a goodjob, such as Enslaved and Watain.but the majority is just recycled stuff. but maybe bm is only enjoyed now because it is seen as an art form.Or maybe ppl just want to mock it?

If i dont make sense, im from germany, so sorry if i don't
yeah you are also right. its not like there are no good modern bm bands, but there are alot oif newer bands that just try to be "brutal" and "kvlt as fuck", and have no concern whatsoever about the songwriting etc. same thing has been happenning with dm lately, with bands such as Nailshitter ,who stick out teh most for trying tohard to impress. i wish those bands would stop acting like they do
My Christian metal head chum just gave me a CDR of Antestor stuff - The Forsaken it would seem. Rather good, although I suspect the gr1mmer ones among you would castigate my untr00ness.
Maybe this album is more suited to your taste?


Shut up, punk.

Sorry, my love for black metal only goes so far. To me, Destruction Ritual is the most bland, uninspired, boring shit there is. And trust me, I have no problem with generic black metal. It is probably my favorite of all music. But there is a line to be drawn. That album, coming from me, is boring and painful as fuck. The Black House is far better.
You don't need to examine a band's lyrics or be acquainted with their ideology to be able to enjoy their craft on an artistic level.
:confused: Some strange choices of words there. Craft and art are distinct concepts, and "enjoy" seems to imply you are talking about it from an entertainment standpoint. What are you trying to say exactly? If you want to *appreciate* something on an artistic level, you pretty much have to examine the whole picture, not just pick out a few parts and ignore the rest.
My Christian metal head chum just gave me a CDR of Antestor stuff - The Forsaken it would seem. Rather good, although I suspect the gr1mmer ones among you would castigate my untr00ness.

if its Christian BM, tell him to go get crucified.
No. Hellhammer is overrated in terms of tasteful drumming. He's talented, of course, but he does more than he should be doing.