Black Metal.

No I don't! What Euronymous said in what was probably a totally fucking hammered (on his part) interview like 23 years ago completely discredits actual logical thinking.

Don't you know anything, you right-hand-path-taker-guy!?
Post-Black Metal is a completely different genre, and White Metal is not even an established genre. Black metal can exist with Christian themes; this is absolutely UNARGUABLE.

Let us say you heard a band you knew nothing about. They are obviously playing black metal. They have the sound and the production, the atmosphere, and definitely what sounds like a vocalist spewing out Satanic hymns of left-handed hatred or whatever the fuck you are on about. Catch my drift? What is your first impulse? TO CALL THEM BLACK METAL. You can make this judgment with absolutely any style of music, provided you know enough about its history, evolution, and progression (you are obviously quite stuck in the past on these last two, and probably on the first one, too, but I can't necessarily judge that here, and you seem to have a decent grasp on what happened UP TO A CERTAIN POINT). ANYHOW, Mr. Absolutism; you eventually discover that this band has members posing for their band picture in front of a crucifix. Still black metal, right? I mean, c'mon dude! There is totally a cross there. They are celebrating Jesus' FVKKING VNHOLY DETH. Right? Then the logo has some "Satanic" innuendo which is really just obscure Christian symbology (which you would PROBABLY be absolutely hilariously inept at noticing, by the way!). Their lyrics are even about killing some lord! Ambiguous, ain't it? Their name is clearly "Satanikiller"; this much you can make out from their logo. What's a poor boy like you to do? EH, MR. ABSOLUT BLACK METAL FAN WITH PERFECT KNOWLEDGE OV 666?

Prove me wrong, seriously. Try it!

By the way you can't just make up genres whenever you want. This leads to travesties like "MATHCORE". Do you really want that? Nature metal? Get a fucking clue. Sounds like BLACK FUCKING METAL TO ME.

dude i dont thin you could have said anything better. People who think that "black metal" has to be satanic then you are fucking wrong becuase music is defined by sound(minus viking metal). I am not saying i am a fan of chirstain black metal(even though i am a catholic) but what you are saying is stupid. Most of the christain black metal bands are doing something more pure and with more soul then any of todays modern black metal bands that all they have to do is wear corpse paint, take a cheap picture in the forest, wear an inverted cross and write there lyrics and riffs in 6 mins and record in a cell phone and all of a sudden there a kvlt, and total evil band.

btw everyone check out horrfic majesty, very good "un"-blac metal band...proboly the only one i like.

And yes i know my grammar sucks becuase i typing fast.
I chucked on Solefald's "The Linear Scaffold" last night. Haven't listened to it for ages, what an album. A shame the dual viking albums from last year sucked so hard.
I can't say I have an affinity to a region. I'm starting to realise that USBM has just as much bullshit to wade through as other regions do.

I harp on about ideologies and such, but for me, adherence to it provides a reason for me to purchase a bands recordings. Great music isn't enough for me when it comes to BM. They must also believe in Black Metal culture itself (even if it is in opposition to what I feel about such topics). I want authenticity, not catchy tunes.
I can't say I have an affinity to a region. I'm starting to realise that USBM has just as much bullshit to wade through as other regions do.

I harp on about ideologies and such, but for me, adherence to it provides a reason for me to purchase a bands recordings. Great music isn't enough for me when it comes to BM. They must also believe in Black Metal culture itself (even if it is in opposition to what I feel about such topics). I want authenticity, not catchy tunes.

For me, the music is foremost; always has been and will likely always be so. Whether they associate themselves with the culture or not is of little importance, but I've discovered that most bands that do usually have a stronger feel of authenticity. Nevertheless, it is hardly the deciding factor of how I view a band.

Besides, black metal culture hasn't been very cohesive ever since the "Inner Circle" died out, so the only thing tying all BM bands together is sound, anyway.
The US scene is actually remarkably close considering how big the US is. Twilight, for example, is exceptional in this regard, with members in Chicago, New Jersey, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Geographically, that's like having a band with one guy in England, Ukraine, Italy and Germany. Those US cities might even be further apart than European countries. Even a non-scene band like Agalloch is only 2 or 3 degrees of separation from Nachtmysium or Leviathan.
Post-Black Metal is a completely different genre, and White Metal is not even an established genre. Black metal can exist with Christian themes; this is absolutely UNARGUABLE.

Let us say you heard a band you knew nothing about. They are obviously playing black metal. They have the sound and the production, the atmosphere, and definitely what sounds like a vocalist spewing out Satanic hymns of left-handed hatred or whatever the fuck you are on about. Catch my drift? What is your first impulse? TO CALL THEM BLACK METAL. You can make this judgment with absolutely any style of music, provided you know enough about its history, evolution, and progression (you are obviously quite stuck in the past on these last two, and probably on the first one, too, but I can't necessarily judge that here, and you seem to have a decent grasp on what happened UP TO A CERTAIN POINT). ANYHOW, Mr. Absolutism; you eventually discover that this band has members posing for their band picture in front of a crucifix. Still black metal, right? I mean, c'mon dude! There is totally a cross there. They are celebrating Jesus' FVKKING VNHOLY DETH. Right? Then the logo has some "Satanic" innuendo which is really just obscure Christian symbology (which you would PROBABLY be absolutely hilariously inept at noticing, by the way!). Their lyrics are even about killing some lord! Ambiguous, ain't it? Their name is clearly "Satanikiller"; this much you can make out from their logo. What's a poor boy like you to do? EH, MR. ABSOLUT BLACK METAL FAN WITH PERFECT KNOWLEDGE OV 666?

Prove me wrong, seriously. Try it!

By the way you can't just make up genres whenever you want. This leads to travesties like "MATHCORE". Do you really want that? Nature metal? Get a fucking clue. Sounds like BLACK FUCKING METAL TO ME.

Key sentence^ in whole rant. Yes I am "stuck" in the history", because that is what attracted me to the Black Metal music in the first place. IMO only first and second wave are black metal, with less than a handful of newer bands that play in the eighties thrash or doom style.

As for the bands posing as a Satanic black metal, this common in todays Black Metal. And as I said "bands with weak ideology are weak and uninteresting ...which is why nowadays black metal is in a sad state". And I'm yet to hear a christian "black metal"
band that sounds good. While bands that "progress" from Satanism and Occultism (i.e DSO) become plain and boring.

Satanism/Occultism has been a part of metal since the first "official" metal song "Black Sabbath" . Christianity does not belong in metal, since it's morals are contradicting to what most metal stands for.

It seems like I'm always defending the name of Black Metal here, it's tiring.
*puts on Bestial Summoning and leaves