Black Metal.

I am currently addicted to Immortal, Sons of Northern Darkness and Damned in Black. I absolutely love the song one by one. Gorgoroth is really awesome too. AD Majorem Satanhas Gloriam is a pretty sick album :)

Long live black metal for many years to come :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :worship:
If you like Immortal (but more so the earlier works as they are more "pure"), then check out another band which Abbath did some work in, Det Hedenske Folk.
I've been listening to Pure Holocaust a lot. It's a great CD. My only gripe with it is that the production fucking sucks. I have to listen hard to actually hear what the guitars are playing at certain points. I hate that.
It seems like I'm always defending the name of Black Metal here, it's tiring.

Well, I for one, think that it's absolutely fucking hilarious, so why should you stop now!

Your logic is ridiculously atrocious and full of horrifying double standards, in any case. If that's how you defend things, I'd like to see the things you insult!
Christianity does not belong in metal, since it's morals are contradicting to what most metal stands for.


Hmm, so what are you implying? Had In the Nightside Eclipse's lyrics,for instance, been full of pro-christian propaganda the album would have been considered a complete fucking joke, right?
Am I the only one who thinks Panzerfaust is the best Darkthrone CD?

How did you feel about The Cult Is Alive? (Great album imo)

Hmm, so what are you implying? Had In the Nightside Eclipse's lyrics,for instance, been full of pro-christian propaganda the album would have been considered a complete fucking joke, right?


Let's say that ITNE had been full of pro-Christian propaganda: I certainly think the community at the time would not have accepted the album, let alone the band.

At it's core, Black Metal's practice at this time was the antithesis of Western Judeo-Christian culture. Anti-semitism/anti-Christian attitudes in the Black Metal scene at the time of ITNE's release were still very high, riding tail-end of Varg's court case and the aftermath of the arsons, and the second wave wasn't really at an end yet.
That's EXACTLY what he's saying. It's stupid (nay, one of the most retardedly logic-starved things ever) to even claim something so baseless. If he went in front of a crowd of REAL METAL (from the 80's!) and yelled that Christians cannot make metal and if they try it just becomes techno or somesuch stupid thing, I guarantee metal would collectively kick his ass. ALSO, Black Sabbath were not a SATANIC band (interested in the occult, perhaps, but that's not even the point), so your point is almost inherently moot even despite everything else I called you out on previously.

RE: Darkthrone; Soulside Journey is my favorite by them!! Brilliant disc.
That's EXACTLY what he's saying. It's stupid (nay, one of the most retardedly logic-starved things ever) to even claim something so baseless. If he went in front of a crowd of REAL METAL (from the 80's!) and yelled that Christians cannot make metal and if they try it just becomes techno or somesuch stupid thing, I guarantee metal would collectively kick his ass. ALSO, Black Sabbath were not a SATANIC band (interested in the occult, perhaps, but that's not even the point), so your point is almost inherently moot even despite everything else I called you out on previously.

Not only that, but consider: we may laugh at Ghaal's performance in his interview with Sam Dunn now, but back around 1991-94? 99.9% of the members of Black Metal felt as Ghaal does now. I'm sure that had a pro-Christian influence appeared in a Black Metal band at that time, their members would have had more than just a few prank calls or bricks through their windows, and perhaps just a few more people of the Black Circle would be serving time right now.
Bunch of posturing and lame extremism. After all, extremism is escapism! Hide from the truth behind your iron curtain of falsities!!

*writes thrash album*
Not only that, but consider: we may laugh at Ghaal's performance in his interview with Sam Dunn now, but back around 1991-94? 99.9% of the members of Black Metal felt as Ghaal does now. I'm sure that had a pro-Christian influence appeared in a Black Metal band at that time, their members would have had more than just a few prank calls or bricks through their windows, and perhaps just a few more people of the Black Circle would be serving time right now.

I got the creeps when I saw that, because you could tell he is serious. In the second doco (the Black Metal one), you see him in the pub, same expression on his face... the man is a fucking nutcase.
Not only that, but consider: we may laugh at Ghaal's performance in his interview with Sam Dunn now, but back around 1991-94? 99.9% of the members of Black Metal felt as Ghaal does now.

And many still do.

Christian Black Metal = False Black Metal

As much as some of you boys want to dismiss ideology as an integral part of black metal, there simply is no way around it. Like Necatural likes to say: Fuck revisionist history! Black metal as we know it was founded as a genre based on ideology, and such it shall remain. Just because some soul-less scene kiddies want a part of the cake, doesn't mean that we must change the very foundation upon which this glorious genre was built!
And many still do.

Christian Black Metal = False Black Metal

As much as some of you boys want to dismiss ideology as an integral part of black metal, there simply is no way around it. Like Necatural likes to say: Fuck revisionist history! Black metal as we know it was founded as a genre based on ideology, and such it shall remain. Just because some soul-less scene kiddies want a part of the cake, doesn't mean that we must change the very foundation upon which this glorious genre was built!

Scene kiddies...i think that would descirbe about 60% of the usbm scene.