Black Metal.

Man... I've just listened to this ukrainian "black metal" band called Volya (Freedom). I swear, their whole album sounds like a fucking old cellphone ringtone... Gross.
I don't know, but I sure as hell don't. There is nothing wrong with the shameless Celtic Frost worship and all, but all of their releases prior were better (with the exception of A Blaze In The Northern Sky), as well as Ravishing Grimness.
ABITNS is my second favorite. I think that of their first five albums, Transylvanian Hunger is their weakest.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Also, there are a ton of BM bands which are decidedly neutral. I'd like to see you prove to me that Drudkh, for instance, are either "Satanic" or "Christian" (they're neither, fyi).
It will be difficult for you to comprehend this concept if you insist on using binary logic. Drudkh fall in line with 'traditional' black metal ideals quite well (remember Enslaved?) - there is a difference between a band being neutral and one that directly contradicts themselves through a dissonant combination of Christian ideals expressed through anti-Christian aesthetics. I don't think that it matters whether the actual term "black metal" be held up as a sacred artifact that cannot be applied to controversial bands, but it should be clear to anyone interested in the music beyond the level of pure aural stimulation why Christian black metal doesn't make sense. Unless they have some interesting intent behind their choice of sound (and in some cases dress :confused:) such as the mockery of their opponents, the black metal sound is a poor way to get a Christian message across. Trouble does better with the doom sound, but then Handel makes Christian metal seem a pointless altogether.

Black metal can exist with Christian themes; this is absolutely UNARGUABLE.

Let us say you heard a band you knew nothing about. They are obviously playing black metal. They have the sound and the production, the atmosphere, and definitely what sounds like a vocalist spewing out Satanic hymns of left-handed hatred or whatever the fuck you are on about. Catch my drift? What is your first impulse? TO CALL THEM BLACK METAL. You can make this judgment with absolutely any style of music, provided you know enough about its history, evolution, and progression (you are obviously quite stuck in the past on these last two, and probably on the first one, too, but I can't necessarily judge that here, and you seem to have a decent grasp on what happened UP TO A CERTAIN POINT). ANYHOW, Mr. Absolutism; you eventually discover that this band has members posing for their band picture in front of a crucifix. Still black metal, right? I mean, c'mon dude! There is totally a cross there. They are celebrating Jesus' FVKKING VNHOLY DETH. Right? Then the logo has some "Satanic" innuendo which is really just obscure Christian symbology (which you would PROBABLY be absolutely hilariously inept at noticing, by the way!). Their lyrics are even about killing some lord! Ambiguous, ain't it? Their name is clearly "Satanikiller"; this much you can make out from their logo. What's a poor boy like you to do? EH, MR. ABSOLUT BLACK METAL FAN WITH PERFECT KNOWLEDGE OV 666?

Prove me wrong, seriously. Try it!
:lol: How does this prove anything at all? How does a single person's perception of a band's motivations have any impact on reality?

Aside: what kind of Christian feels the need to masquerade as a satanist and hide their beliefs behind a veil of imagery and aesthetic that opposes everything they believe in? Probably a confused one. :loco:

By the way you can't just make up genres whenever you want. This leads to travesties like "MATHCORE". Do you really want that? Nature metal? Get a fucking clue. Sounds like BLACK FUCKING METAL TO ME.
Actually the term "pagan metal" seems to be more widespread these days due to its useful ability to distinguish between traditional black metal bands and those that use the black metal aesthetic but embrace pagan (nationalism, nature, etc.) themes instead of occult/satanic ones (also they tend to integrate folk styled melodies). I wonder if in a decade or so we will look back and observe these bands as the beginnings of a new metal subgenre.

Krigloch the Furious said:
the new Kroda has gotta be one of the better releases for this year
Most likely. :) Here's one of those bands where 'pagan metal' might be a handy term.
Okay, I'm on my third listen through Ordo Ad Chao and I can fairly say that - currently - this is the best album I've heard from 2007 so far.

EDIT: Err, not my second my third.
That's EXACTLY what he's saying. It's stupid (nay, one of the most retardedly logic-starved things ever) to even claim something so baseless. If he went in front of a crowd of REAL METAL (from the 80's!) and yelled that Christians cannot make metal and if they try it just becomes techno or somesuch stupid thing, I guarantee metal would collectively kick his ass. ALSO, Black Sabbath were not a SATANIC band (interested in the occult, perhaps, but that's not even the point), so your point is almost inherently moot even despite everything else I called you out on previously.

RE: Darkthrone; Soulside Journey is my favorite by them!! Brilliant disc.

I never said that christians can't make metal, I said christianity (or any religion for that matter) does not belong in Metal. However they CANNOT make BLACK METAL! Even if a band copied Transylvanian Hunger, and used chrstian lyrics instead of the original, it would NOT be Black Metal. I can see how to some fence sitter Black Metal newb like you it sounds the same.

My opinions on the importance of ideology in (Black) Metal is too extreme for a person like you(a casual listener).There will always be people who see Black Metal as a 'movement' or a certain frame of mind and people to whom it's nothing more than a hobby to pass time.

Also I am yet to encounter a metalhead (aside from the internet warriors)that defends christianty in any form, especially in music.

I never said that christians can't make metal, I said christianity (or any religion for that matter) does not belong in Metal. However they CANNOT make BLACK METAL! Even if a band copied Transylvanian Hunger, and used chrstian lyrics instead of the original, it would NOT be Black Metal. I can see how to some fence sitter Black Metal newb like you it sounds the same.

My opinions on the importance of ideology in (Black) Metal is too extreme for a person like you(a casual listener).There will always be people who see Black Metal as a 'movement' or a certain frame of mind and people to whom it's nothing more than a hobby to pass time.

Also I am yet to encounter a metalhead (aside from the internet warriors)that defends christianty in any form, especially in music.


I doubt you can your self explain why christianty is bad. I laugh becuase (i am a catholic) when metalheads say christainty is bullshit when they seem to forget the bible was put together by a roman pagan. So you have to thank roman for making christaty has big as it is and when something is bigger you get more probloms.
I never said that christians can't make metal, I said christianity (or any religion for that matter) does not belong in Metal. However they CANNOT make BLACK METAL! Even if a band copied Transylvanian Hunger, and used chrstian lyrics instead of the original, it would NOT be Black Metal. I can see how to some fence sitter Black Metal newb like you it sounds the same.

You are such a fucking dumbass. Drown yourself in your own insurmountable stupidity.

Elitist fuck.
You are such a fucking dumbass. Drown yourself in your own insurmountable stupidity.

Elitist fuck.

Thank you for agreeing with me about him

With a music sounds like a certain music it is that music.

I bet if i threw on a horrfic majesty album most people could not tell it was a unblack album.

btw i dont like most unblack but i am trying to a point.
^ He may not be explaining himself well, and elitist, perhaps, but nevertheless, he is correct. Christianity has no place in Black Metal.

But if a music sounds a certain way it should be classified by sound. I wont lie most 'black' metal bands with a christain message sounds kind of but none the less music should be described my sound like a movie should be put into a genre by the contents of the movie.