Black Metal.

Black Metal started as an opposition and mockery of all that is christian. So no matter how it sounds, if it portrays a christian message it is not Black Metal.

It may've started that way, but with how it evolved it has a specific sound that doesn't require that bullshit "ideology" to make it black metal.
Regardless of the Black Metal or not debate, a band being Christian in and of itself has nothing to do with how good the b and is.
Black Metal started as an opposition and mockery of all that is christian. So no matter how it sounds, if it portrays a christian message it is not Black Metal.

What is it then?

I would like to see you back up your point and not pussy out of this debate which you set yourself up to lose indefinitely...

Also, there are a ton of BM bands which are decidedly neutral. I'd like to see you prove to me that Drudkh, for instance, are either "Satanic" or "Christian" (they're neither, fyi).
black blood: There are times when you may not be able to tell.What if the lyrics are indecipherable and have never been printed and you know close to nothing about the origin/ideology of the band?
Then you're a poser for listening to music created by people whose religious orientations are in limbo.

It may've started that way, but with how it evolved it has a specific sound that doesn't require that bullshit "ideology" to make it black metal.

This the reason Black Metal is in a sad state nowadays. Dozens of bands replicating the sound of true Black Metal, yet not obtaining the ideology that influenced those bands to create the said sound of "true Black Metal".

What is it then?

I would like to see you back up your point and not pussy out of this debate which you set yourself up to lose indefinitely...

Also, there are a ton of BM bands which are decidedly neutral. I'd like to see you prove to me that Drudkh, for instance, are either "Satanic" or "Christian" (they're neither, fyi).

If you must label those bands in a particular genre call them "White Metal" or even a faggier term "Post-Black Metal". And in the case of Drudkh, "Nature Metal" seems to fit the best.

Ideology is an integral part of Black Metal, not necessarily Satanism or Occultism (even tho best bands follow the Left-Hand Path) but certainly NOT christian.
This the reason Black Metal is in a sad state nowadays. Dozens of bands replicating the sound of true Black Metal, yet not obtaining the ideology that influenced those bands to create the said sound of "true Black Metal".

Take a look to the lands of France and tell me it is in a sorry state, consider the thriving Eastern European scene, growing US scene, etc

There is no ideology required to be black metal.
I said this before, but apparently it slipped through the cracks:

What is wrong with many black metal bands is that they are playing derivative, boring music. It has nothing to do with their ideology, or lack thereof.

And to subdivide black metal into white metal or nature metal is just idiocy. Maybe eventually we'll start referring to some of the more original post-2000 bands as 3rd wave.
I was making fun of you, in case you didn't catch on to that, which, based on your response, it doesn't seem that you did.
If you must label those bands in a particular genre call them "White Metal" or even a faggier term "Post-Black Metal". And in the case of Drudkh, "Nature Metal" seems to fit the best.

Ideology is an integral part of Black Metal, not necessarily Satanism or Occultism (even tho best bands follow the Left-Hand Path) but certainly NOT christian.

Post-Black Metal is a completely different genre, and White Metal is not even an established genre. Black metal can exist with Christian themes; this is absolutely UNARGUABLE.

Let us say you heard a band you knew nothing about. They are obviously playing black metal. They have the sound and the production, the atmosphere, and definitely what sounds like a vocalist spewing out Satanic hymns of left-handed hatred or whatever the fuck you are on about. Catch my drift? What is your first impulse? TO CALL THEM BLACK METAL. You can make this judgment with absolutely any style of music, provided you know enough about its history, evolution, and progression (you are obviously quite stuck in the past on these last two, and probably on the first one, too, but I can't necessarily judge that here, and you seem to have a decent grasp on what happened UP TO A CERTAIN POINT). ANYHOW, Mr. Absolutism; you eventually discover that this band has members posing for their band picture in front of a crucifix. Still black metal, right? I mean, c'mon dude! There is totally a cross there. They are celebrating Jesus' FVKKING VNHOLY DETH. Right? Then the logo has some "Satanic" innuendo which is really just obscure Christian symbology (which you would PROBABLY be absolutely hilariously inept at noticing, by the way!). Their lyrics are even about killing some lord! Ambiguous, ain't it? Their name is clearly "Satanikiller"; this much you can make out from their logo. What's a poor boy like you to do? EH, MR. ABSOLUT BLACK METAL FAN WITH PERFECT KNOWLEDGE OV 666?

Prove me wrong, seriously. Try it!

By the way you can't just make up genres whenever you want. This leads to travesties like "MATHCORE". Do you really want that? Nature metal? Get a fucking clue. Sounds like BLACK FUCKING METAL TO ME.