Black Metal.

American artists do not have the same pool to draw from, from the simple fact that they have one blink of an eye's history in comparison to European countries. Sure, USBM can be influenced by it, but it cannot express culture in the same way that European countries can. It is different when something is in your blood and you have grown up with it as a massive part of your life. It shapes how you think, how you view things, and in the case of Black Metal, how you create.
Which of course goes out the window when you stop creating art inspired by one's historical culture - is suicidal inherently inferior because it doesn't deal with cultural topics? Also witness the music of Axis Of Advance (not USBM, but same continent); highly unique and conceptually ambitious without exploring culture in the way early European black metal does.

Crimson Velvet said:
Haha, nice try, but no cigar! That still doesn't explain the influx of US black metal bands today, but nearly all them... you know... sucking cock.
Here is a more difficult question: how do you explain the influx of Scandinavian black metal bands today, most of which, despite their apparent cultural superiority, "suck cock"? (By blaming American $$$, I would imagine...)

Mort Divine said:
Fusions of two styles of music can create amazing results and kick the styles in the ass to start thinking creatively again.
Progress doesn't come from experimenting with different musical gimmicks. (Black) metal doesn't need new sounds to create better music, it needs newer and better ideas - the sounds will come from those. The basic black metal concept is done but the hopeful artists aren't the ones experimenting with pop sounds, they're the ones with different ideas (s/a nationalism) that use different sounds to express them (s/a folk influence). Better yet, black metal needs to be left to die so that something can rise from the ashes.
Anyone care to list some of the best bands mentioned in this thread? I love the discussions that have taken place for the past couple of pages...but no way am I searching through 70+ pages for a few new bands to listen too.

p.s. I've already searched through 12 pages...I give up.
I think Ozzfest gets more media coverage than any foreign festival. Sad truth.

The Osbourne's are fucking loaded, that's why; hell, I bet half that family have sold everything they have (including their skin) to sponsors just for more cash.
Anyone care to list some of the best bands mentioned in this thread? I love the discussions that have taken place for the past couple of pages...but no way am I searching through 70+ pages for a few new bands to listen too.

p.s. I've already searched through 12 pages...I give up.

Celtic Frost
Start off with those bands, and work your ways onwards, you'll be right.
A Forest's The Spirit of the Forest (to Bleed Northern Spirit) is seriously the worst shit I have ever heard. Every insturment sounds like it's playing it's own song. Even G.G. Allin is more successful at making tunes than this band. Shit, utter shit.
Having hated Darkthrone in the last god knows how long, in recent months I've finally taken a strong liking to it, and found it's opened up my appreciation even more than what I had before.

It seems many people hate the Darkthrone style, yet I find it to be quite possibly the most important characteristic of what became the second wave, and imo is just as relevant today.

How do other people feel about this? And why is it that so many people seem to hate Darkthrone (and please, don't just say "they suck").
I'm sorry, but the only correct answer to that truly is THEY SUCK. They're fucking idiots. Period.
You totally wasted time by typing that answer out, what's more you didn't even say anything about the music itself in your answer which makes your comment even more counter-productive.