Black Metal.

Mayhem are undoubtably true greats, whether for good or bad, Norway has produced some real gems. I like some more experimental and avante-garde black metal bands, Sigh's imaginary sonicscape is a truely great black metal album in my opinion are would probubly be my favourite of the genre.

When mentioning great Norweigen black metal bands like Mayhem, Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, do not exclude Satyricon, they are one of the real legends behind black metal and many of the newer emerging bands such as the Meads of Asphodel would be lost without their influence.
^ I can't say I agree on Satyricon (and certainly not Demon Burger). Even their early material is dismal in comparison to the other second wave bands.
On what basis? I have always found Satyricon to be very inventive, they were certainly one of the first to bring medieval imagery into Black Metal. I admit their latest album is a tad mainstream for Black Metal but they have had a huge impact since their 92 demos. It is worth noting that Phil Anselmo, James hetfield and a lot of big name musicians are massive fans of the band.
I just find them completely insignificant. In comparison to Enslaved (to whom they may have had parallels), they lent very little to the second wave imo, and are merely one of the first true imposter bands.

Flame away, folks :D
Imposters? Sure they came after the likes of Bathory but Satyricon were influential in creating the scene in Norway, Satyr met Dead of Mayhem selling Metallica bootlegs outside a King Diamond show and Satyr knew Euronymous and Hellhammer quite well. Satyricon may have never become infamous for church burning or illegal activities like Burzum and Mayhem but they were there in the start, in Norway and part of the underground birth of the second wave of black metal. Satyr were there when Deathcrush came out and Mayhem and their allies were doing extreme shit like shutting down bands they deemed to be unworthy of black metal.

To quickly support some of those claims, I am not sure how broad your knowledge on black metal is but Satyr from Satyricon was part of the Black Metal Inner Circle that was formed by Euronymous.
Social activities and affiliates leave little to be desired for the quality of their music: highly forgetful and bland, not to mention lacking individual character in comparison to the rest of the second wave.

Each second wave band lent an important chracteristic to the shaping of Black Metal: Darkthrone with their production values, simplistic writing and attitude, Burzum (everything about Burzum matters!), Emperor with their speed, technicality and symphonics, Enslaved with their culturally aural and visual aesthetics (of which they are still to this day the undisputed masters), Ulver with their lyrical and aural folkloric influences, and the list goes on.

From this plethora of talent and creativity, Satyricon stands as the weakest imo, and the only gloatable aspect they can brag of is that they were around at the time.

Otherwise, Satyricon has only one other commendable factor and that is Frost. Otherwise I wouldn't waste a cent on them. Absolutely shithouse band, and their current material is a fucking joke.
I agree Hibernal. Really Satyricon's sound is less abrasive then a lot of black metal bands but it is no way inferior. The characteristic they lent to the genre was rock orientation, their works come a lot closer to the first wave efforts of the likes of Bathory then other second wave bands. Their first album also has a flute, accoustic guitars blended into that raw second wave sound.
Dark Medieval Times came what, two years before Ulver? It also predated the significant releases by Enslaved, Emperor, Mayhem, and Darkthrone. Satyricon is not in the top tier, but solidly in the second tier with Gorgoroth, Beherit, and Behemoth. Satyricon was most similar to Enslaved out of that bunch, and as far as I know, they came up with many of the same ideas first.

If anything, Ulver is the least valuable of the Norwegian bands. Nattens Madrigal came out in 1997, right? At least 3 years behind the times. Bergtatt is a nice album, but pretty overrated, and Nattens paved the way for hundreds of bands that thought aesthetics were all you needed to make a commendable black metal album.
Satyricon is not in the top tier, but solidly in the second tier with Gorgoroth, Beherit, and Behemoth.

I wouldn't even class them that high, but then I'll have to agree to the extent of your comment. Without a doubt, they do not belong with the elite imo.

Come on. Satyricon is at least better than Ulver.

Garm vs Satyr?

Carl-Michael Eide vs Frost?

Come on man. There's no contest there imo, and it certainly isn't swinging in Satyricon's favour.
Norway has produced some real gems. I like some more experimental and avante-garde black metal bands, Sigh's imaginary sonicscape is a truely great black metal album in my opinion are would probubly be my favourite of the genre.

When mentioning great Norweigen black metal bands like Mayhem, Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, do not exclude Satyricon, they are one of the real legends behind black metal and many of the newer emerging bands such as the Meads of Asphodel would be lost without their influence.

Sigh is from Japan
I wouldn't even class them that high, but then I'll have to agree to the extent of your comment. Without a doubt, they do not belong with the elite imo.


Dark Medieval Times,The Shadowthrone, and Nemesis Divina are by far the best black metal albums I have heard so far, and yes I have heard albums from darkthrone,mayhem,emperor and what not.
I agree with everyone so far who has fellated Will Stronger than Death. It my just be my favorite Graveland album next to Thousand Swords and Celtic Winter. I love the heavy chunky-ness. It fits, and in no way was incorporated to make the music more accesible.
I was hoping for something more specific; I don't disagree with you but your comments sound like vague nostalgia that could easily apply to most any scene, I think. :) I wonder if there is something specific to your scene you could share, some anecdote that would illustrate this decline more thoroughly for the rest of us. Feel free to name names. :D

I'm not really sure if I understand what it is you're hoping for here. An anecdote about a left-winger calling me a fucking nazi 'cause I used the term "pakkis" or about Vintersorg turning into a bloody rock star and having sex with a girl just so that he could send her to a free clinic and find out if he himself had any STDs? I dunno if I really see the point...
what pissed me off is what Ulver said in Lords Of Chaos about the black metal demographic. but its not like I should care. Ulver sold out plain and simple.