Black Metal.

Then you're simply being unfair. Satyricon is unquestionably second tier, along with the other latecomers in Ulver and Gorgoroth.

I'm an unfair kinda guy :)

Some Burzum? I don't have soulseek, but I could possibly upload some stuff. PM me if interested.

You have to listen to the right Burzum. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is close to perfection. That is possibly the most accessible besides Burzum/Aske.

All Burzum is the right Burzum!
Then go with Filosofem.

^ I love them all equally. But for someone wanting an "accessible" starting point, I certainly wouldn't throw them into any other album than Filosofem.

As I've said so many times, as have many other people, Burzum quite simply, is THE SHIT and totally untouchable. For me, it is the absolute elite of Black Metal as a whole.
^ I love them all equally. But for someone wanting an "accessible" starting point, I certainly wouldn't throw them into any other album than Filosofem.

As I've said so many times, as have many other people, Burzum quite simply, is THE SHIT and totally untouchable. For me, it is the absolute elite of Black Metal as a whole.
Hmm. To me, I woudl say that Filosofem is less accessible than Det Som Engang Var. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is their least accesible work.
They got less and less accessible with each album. I'm sorry, but putting forth a 25 minute long ambient track is hardly accessible. The earlier material is far more linear and straightforward.
They got less and less accessible with each album. I'm sorry, but putting forth a 25 minute long ambient track is hardly accessible. The earlier material is far more linear and straightforward.


A new listener is less likely to pay detailed attention to the ambient tracks. Those will become more apparent as the listener becomes more fond of the material, Burzum is a gradual thing.

Over the years, it was widely agreed upon that Filosofem is the most accessible release of the discography (excluding the ambient albums), however, the first album is more linear and straightforward yes, but Det Som Engang Var and Hvis Lysett Tar Oss are not.
I downloaded Burzum/Aske awhile back, and I didn't like it. At all. But, I like ambient, so what's one of his ambient albums?
Varg's guitar playing is terrible though from what i have heard. Are there any better tracks that dont sound like he has been playing guitar for 3 months?

....and i have been listioning to sardonic wrath alot of by darkthrone.....underrated i think
Varg isnt completely terrible. but his music rules. Who cares how good he is?

Agreed. I don't know why people say his playing is terrible, I think it's pretty good. He doesn't need to shred or tap his ass through songs. Fuck that powermetal gayness, what a load of shit. Black Metal is above that kind of childish garbage.

Burzum was never about technical proficiency. If Varg's lack of technical skill puts you off, Black Metal probably isn't the genre for you.

Bingo. You deserve a beer for that call, you couldn't have said it better :kickass:

A new listener is less likely to pay detailed attention to the ambient tracks. Those will become more apparent as the listener becomes more fond of the material, Burzum is a gradual thing.

Over the years, it was widely agreed upon that Filosofem is the most accessible release of the discography (excluding the ambient albums), however, the first album is more linear and straightforward yes, but Det Som Engang Var and Hvis Lysett Tar Oss are not.

Do you think I give a shit about what's widely agreed upon? I'm not talking about what's the most accessible release, I'm talking about what's the most accessible release coming from a Black Metal background. I think the obvious answer the that question is the earlier, the more accessible. Det Som Engang Var is pretty accessible for the most part too, which makes sense, because a lot of the material he wrote during the same time that he wrote the material for the debut, if not earlier.
Agreed. I don't know why people say his playing is terrible, I think it's pretty good. He doesn't need to shred or tap his ass through songs. Fuck that powermetal gayness, what a load of shit. Black Metal is above that kind of childish garbage.

And this is such a stupid fucking statement that it's not even funny. Black Metal is not "above" any fucking thing. It just so happens that technical proficiency is irrelevant in Black Metal. "Fuck that powermetal gayness?" Jesus Christ, sometimes you're really fucking narrowmindedly ridiculous to the point that it's comical when it comes to Black Metal.
That's lovely. You spend your entire time picking posts to disagree with. Shut the fuck up, or post something which isn't a retort to something someone is saying for a change. You have constant shit coming out of your mouth, I'm fucking sick of it. Welcome to my ignore list.
I can't help it if half of your posts regarding Black Metal are utterly ridiculous essentialism. And your claim that I spend my entire time, or even most of my time, looking for things to disagree with is just bullshit.