Black Metal.

I can't help it if half of your posts regarding Black Metal are utterly ridiculous essentialism. And your claim that I spend my entire time, or even most of my time, looking for things to disagree with is just bullshit.

Every single time I make a post, the only person who truly retorts with idiocy is you and you do so with in such predictable ways that it borders on the humourous. When anyone else disagrees, they do it in an open-minded manner.

Yes, with Black Metal, I have a strict opinion. I'm extremely passionate about it and I don't take my music half heartedly, especially Black Metal. Do I have to fucking spell this out for you, thump it into you? How fucking dense are you to not realise this by now? Other people in this thread are equally as passionate about it as I am, and I know where the limit of disagreeing with them is because I have the same passion they do, and they understand my passion for it as well. I'm sick to death of the fucking useless garbage you post, it's like talking to a fucking 16 year old Metallica fan.

Fucking SHUT UP or post something worth reading, which you NEVER do. Your opinion is simply to point out where other people are wrong, the same thing, over and over again. It's like a broken record.
Every single time I make a post, the only person who truly retorts with idiocy is you and you do so with in such predictable ways that it borders on the humourous. When anyone else disagrees, they do it in an open-minded manner.

I don't even respond to many of your posts, and in fact most of them I don't have a problem with or agree with, so calm the fuck down. And what is this "predictable idiocy" you refer to, the mere fact that I call you out on blatantly absurd rhetoric spawned by blind passion? There's nothing narrowminded about my responses. In fact, my responses are questioning the narrowminded thinking found in your posts.

Yes, with Black Metal, I have a strict opinion. I'm extremely passionate about it and I don't take my music half heartedly, especially Black Metal.

So do I.

Do I have to fucking spell this out for you, thump it into you? How fucking dense are you to not realise this by now? Other people in this thread are equally as passionate about it as I am, and I know where the limit of disagreeing with them is because I have the same passion they do, and they understand my passion for it as well.

I have the same fucking passion for the music as well, however, the others don't make such bullshit statements that have no bearing on their "passion" for the music like you do. Your "passion" for Black Metal supersedes the greater paradigm of music in general and replaces basic logic and reasoning with a distorted sense of worth of Black Metal in the wider spectrum and elitism.

I'm sick to death of the fucking useless garbage you post, it's like talking to a fucking 16 year old Metallica fan. Fucking SHUT UP.

This is one of the most blatant mischaracterisations of a series of exchanges that I've ever seen in my life. Do you honestly think that your passion for Black Metal negates the validity of REALITY? "Fuck that powermetal gayness, what a load of shit?" What the hell is that? Having the ability to properly play your instrument is "powermetal gayness?" Alter mentioned nothing about technical proficiency, to begin with. He said that Varg sounds like he's been playing guitar for 3 months. This has nothing to do with the technicality of the composition, but rather the ability to play any given composition properly. So basically what you're actually calling "powermetal gayness" is the ability to play an instrument proficiently.

And even if what you meant to refer to was technical compositions, your argument would still fall flat in reality. Simply because Black Metal does not engage in technical playing does not mean that it is "above" technical playing, it simply means that it does not, or does not require technical playing, in order to achieve the goal of the music. That does not mean that technical proficiency has no place in intellectually stimulating, or however youu wish to categorize Black Metal, music.
I'm not really sure if I understand what it is you're hoping for here. An anecdote about a left-winger calling me a fucking nazi 'cause I used the term "pakkis" or about Vintersorg turning into a bloody rock star and having sex with a girl just so that he could send her to a free clinic and find out if he himself had any STDs? I dunno if I really see the point...
It's just a subject that I think needs further exploring, I'm sure you've come across many (and this thread is no exception) people who refuse to believe that the scene has declined or even changed over the years - if this is indeed the case, I think that specific examples illustrating the decline could be useful. Speculating on the possible reasons for this (in detail) also serves for interesting discussion in the casual sense. Furthermore, it never hurts to spread the oral history of metal so that newcomers and foreigners alike can better understand the genre's progression.

Essentially I am hungry for some interesting discussion, as this forum seems to be geared more towards "post your favourite band and then have a flamewar about it" inanity (case in point: this page). :D A book could (and probably will) be written about this subject, maybe I'll wait around for that...
Regarding Burzum: DSEV is clearly the most accessible. I loved that album on first listen, while HLTO took many more listens to make sense out of. Filosofem is only accessible due to the number of metal songs. I've actually found Burzum/Aske to be pretty difficult. It still hasn't really clicked with me.
You do realize he was twelve years old when this came out, right?

Yes I do, Satyr has been playing over half his life and he is only 30, hes a remarkable guy if you read interviews with the guy he is very intelligent.

Sigh is from Japan

Yeah, I know, I never said they were not, I think you missed the full-stop after the short statement on Norway.
I'm going to agree with Hubster here, only i believe it deserves some expansion: Technical proficiency is irrelevant, if you don't have any compositional substance to your music. Ideas and inspiration will always trump execution. And no genre has truly grasped that like black metal has.

It's just a subject that I think needs further exploring, I'm sure you've come across many (and this thread is no exception) people who refuse to believe that the scene has declined or even changed over the years - if this is indeed the case, I think that specific examples illustrating the decline could be useful. Speculating on the possible reasons for this (in detail) also serves for interesting discussion in the casual sense. Furthermore, it never hurts to spread the oral history of metal so that newcomers and foreigners alike can better understand the genre's progression.

Essentially I am hungry for some interesting discussion, as this forum seems to be geared more towards "post your favourite band and then have a flamewar about it" inanity (case in point: this page). :D A book could (and probably will) be written about this subject, maybe I'll wait around for that...

Haha, yes, that's pretty much spot on.

But I'm finding myself in a loss at how to expand upon this.. For me, it is so painfully obvious, which makes it all the more frustrating! I suppose, simply put, personalities has changed. Of course, I realize the inadequacy of such a statement, so I shall give this some further thought, and see if i can't specify it more to your satisfaction. If you could be more specific in what exactly it is you are wondering, that would be helpful, too!
Technical proficiany is irrelevant in Black Metal much like industrial it is about feel, its about looking at your potential and exploring it.

Saying that some black metal can be inredibly technical which is where Blackened Death Metal comes in. Blackened Death Metal is not Death metal, it is black metal played with the technicality of death metal which in its more techincal forms can be the hardest form of music to play, any genre.

Most people think Black Metal = Evil, Pagan and while that is sometimes the case with the elaborate face paint and its reputation it is not always. Summoning do some very atmospheric music which falls under black metal and they do it on Lord of the Rings. Sigh are another example, they may somewhat quirkily look the part on occasion but are all about experimentation and creating diverse, varied sonicscapes.

Black metal has a lot of similarities in its aesthetics to true industrial music such as Skinny Puppy when they were at their best. To point at a well known example, Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails... just listen to his drumming on Piggy from The Downward Spiral.
I downloaded Burzum/Aske awhile back, and I didn't like it. At all. But, I like ambient, so what's one of his ambient albums?

Burzum put out two ambient albums during Varg's incarceration. The first was Dauði Baldrs, done in MIDI format, because Varg couldn't access other instruments. The second ambient album is Hliðskjálf, done with less primitive synths.
No, i am ok with music that that does not have the best talent(blunt aus nord,darkthrone)but varg's is just terrible and boring if anything and does not have any interesting sound.
No, i am ok with music that that does not have the best talent(blunt aus nord,darkthrone)but varg's is just terrible and boring if anything and does not have any interesting sound.

Burzum is much more interesting and has much more less-generic variety than Darkthrone, etc. I am surprised you would counsider them boring.

I love Darkthrone and all, but...
But I'm finding myself in a loss at how to expand upon this.. For me, it is so painfully obvious, which makes it all the more frustrating! I suppose, simply put, personalities has changed. Of course, I realize the inadequacy of such a statement, so I shall give this some further thought, and see if i can't specify it more to your satisfaction. If you could be more specific in what exactly it is you are wondering, that would be helpful, too!
I don't know if it's even possible, really. But I'm always looking for specific incidents that represent shifts in music (especially metal), things you can point to like Bob Dylan pulling out the electric guitar at the Newport Folk Festival in '65 and say "something has changed." The sort of things you sometimes read about in interviews with Vikernes and Fenriz and Darken (talking about the greater black metal scene, obviously) when the interviewer gets them going about the way the scene used to be. Probably nothing so dramatic as "I was there in '96 when Ihsahn got his balls cut off by a threshing machine!" but I'm sure any observations of changes in the local culture would be interesting.