Black Metal.

I don't know if it's even possible, really. But I'm always looking for specific incidents that represent shifts in music (especially metal), things you can point to like Bob Dylan pulling out the electric guitar at the Newport Folk Festival in '65 and say "something has changed." The sort of things you sometimes read about in interviews with Vikernes and Fenriz and Darken (talking about the greater black metal scene, obviously) when the interviewer gets them going about the way the scene used to be. Probably nothing so dramatic as "I was there in '96 when Ihsahn got his balls cut off by a threshing machine!" but I'm sure any observations of changes in the local culture would be interesting.

Yes, I get what you're after now, but specifying will be extraordinary difficult. It was a very gradual thing, I believe. Also, in the mid nineties, I shifted my focus more towards my education and retreated somewhat from the scene. Of course, I kept my closest friends, some of whom kept me au courant.

Here is a thought, though: many of the original scenesters, they got in a lot of trouble with alcohol and drugs, which resulted in thinning out the herd, as Prozak would put it. This opened up some positions within the ranks, so to speak, which may have contributed to a gradual shift in the scene's overall stance on many things, political as well as social and cultural. This is all pretty far fetched, though.

What's funny, though, is that thinking about this now, I would never go back to that old, social climate. So many guys have wasted so much of their loves, because they have struggled so much in adapting back to regular society as the years started taking their toll. I, myself, probably only ended up where I am today, because of my somewhat early withdrawal. And even to this day, i am finding myself somewhat awkward in "normal" social situations. And many have tilted completely, and wasted down into useless, social security losers, completely unable to adapt to normal society (Ghaal, anyone?).
For better or worse, it surely put an end to the grandiose visions of a wolrd wide black metal "army" that would have attempted to disrupt society through not only more church burnings, but also kidnappings and murders of political figures and thier families, bombings, massacres, and the like. Varg Vikernes is known to have fantasized about these things in the early to mid '90's.
This is the smartest conversation I have ever seen, not only on UM but on the internet, and maybe even in my life. I really wish I could partake but during this period of time I was barely alive, and Raffi was my headbanging music. So pardon my interruption, but I love reading this shit.
What role did you think prison sentences had at the time? I'm sure Varg, Samoth, and Snorre being locked up made a difference on the scene, yes?

That is a very good question. I suppose it could very well have resulted in a gradual decline in the scene's extremism, as many found out that they weren't ready to give their lives for the black metal cause, haha. I'm not quite sure, though, as my own extremism never reached much further than binge drinking and doing cult, satanic ritual crap in the woods with torches and stuff.
Oki.. peeps I'm making a list of albums i need to get.. some I never got around to getting, didn't have $$, cutting my expenses down or whatever other reasons... perhaps i should make separate lists for BM,DM and Doom metal but for now i'll keep them on the same list.. but as you see most are BM... this is just a beginning list and i need alot of catching up to do and most i probably won't get for a long time because CD's arent cheap anymore and i have bills to pay.. but as i run across the more obscure albums ill get them... took me a while but i found Weakling's album in a mom and pop store... reason I am also making this list is because when i go to a store my mind becomes a blank and i can't think of what i want to look for or get... here's the list so far.. what do you think (been listening to clips on Amazon and so far this is what I like that I ran across from.. i was bored today and had nothing to do lol):

1349 - Hellfire
Abigor - Nachthymnen
Akercocke - The Goat of Mendes
Akercocke - Choronzon
Burzum - Burzum/Aske
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum - Filosofem
Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the Black Arts
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires
Graveland - Celtic Winter
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Immortal - Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism
Immortal - Battles in the North
Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn.. When We are Gathered
Nagelfar - Huenengrab Im Herbst
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Paths of Possession - Promises in Blood
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Taake - Nattestid
Taake - Bjoergvin
Why would I need to be a kissass? And no its not sarcasm I'm being legit. Trust me most people on this forum don't like me, I have no reason to say anything nice at all, I just thought I'd let you know. By the way, Graveland is the shit.
sorry i better say they are not technically proficient but still sound very good.

In reference to the earlier post I didn't mean the band Vindsval - I meant the musician in BAN, The Eye, and CoM.

He is pretty fuckin' technically proficient. I mean probably not in the Dream Theater way, but he is more skilled at his instruments than you are giving him credit for.
If Black Funeral is the band I'm thinking of then no, horrible band worse than Dark Funeral - if they're not the band I'm thinking of then I don't know.
There's more than one Black Funeral. The one I'm referring to is from the US and currently plays necro BM with industrial undertones.
reason I am also making this list is because when i go to a store my mind becomes a blank and i can't think of what i want to look for or get
Ugh that's happened to me on more than one occasion. Not a good feeling. I keep a small list in my wallet now so I have an idea of what to look for.

Not a bad list. Most mail-orders should carry those.