Black Metal.

No! Facta Loquntuur and Asgardsrei are brilliant albums! It's all about spirit. The former easily takes a very high spot in my top ten.

Yeah I agree, its definitely about spirit. I didnt like those albums though. The later works, Totenlieder and also the latest one, Blutgericht, are great though.

EDIT: agreed on Pest as well, pretty good band
Only thing i've got for you is early Samael like Blood Ritual and some stuff from Anael. Sorry for being lazy and not listening to that song but from what you've described this is what i can come up with. And these two bands are probably ones you already know of so yeah.

Thanks mate, no problem.
Well my favorites are:

Peste Noire
Paysage D'Hiver

But im open for recommendations. :)
Drudkh > Nachtmystium anyday of the week.

I still don't get the fascination with Nachtmystium here, although, I know many here are from the US, so I guess they have a good US following perhaps...
If Black Funeral is the band I'm thinking of then no, horrible band worse than Dark Funeral - if they're not the band I'm thinking of then I don't know.
The only thing wrong with Black Funeral is their utterly generic image that is sure to scare away the jaded black metal listener (I know I assumed they were another clone band when I first came across them). In actuality, they are one of the more unique and ambitious projects around today, judging from what I have heard from them. Az-I-Dahak is as interesting an album I've heard from recent black metal in terms of sound and atmosphere alone, the experimental production techniques work wonders to create an aura suitable to the concept - a dark ritual in the heat of the Persian desert (the lyrics are competent as well). Without the production tricks the band might come across far less impressively, but by taking such ambitious steps between the recording of the riffs and the actual end results you have an album that certainly merits a listen. From what I've heard the other works of this band move into even more experimental territory, I've been meaning to check them out. Has anyone heard Ordog?