Black Metal.

Just shut up. They don't want to be considered BM because they are actually rather far removed from 2nd wave BM, and there are heavy trad and thrash influences in the new stuff. It's nothing like Demise and earlier where the music was pretty strict BM. I think there's an effort to distance the band from the earlier material, because they sound completely different.
Ok cool, I understand now. That's valid reason.

Nachtmystium will sign to a label sometime this year, and it'll either be one of the top metal labels, or a more mainstream label, since Pitchfork wrote them up a couple of times. There's still plenty of room to expand on the sound they had going on I: D, so there won't be a drastic change in their sound.
EXCELLENT! I can't wait for the next record. I do not think they will change or sell out, since as you said they already have a very open sound to work with. I am hoping for the best.

Daven said:
Can someone recommend me a band along the lines of Nachtmystium, please?
Krieg is kind of similar to Nachtmystium's older stuff, although Nachtmystium's older stuff is far more traditional black metal, so that is probably why.
lol yeah, because your opinion is just... so much more valid than mine. just because you said that i hope they make an all acoustic album, and ft. amy lee in their next mtv music video. blow me and cradle my balls while you do it, because nothing you say will change my mind. them saying they arent bm when they are is lame as fuck, and an out for them when they puss out to sell records. Linkin Nachtmystium anyone?
You fucking dumb twat. I know the band, so yes, my opinion is in fact more valid than yours. I was at the recording of their upcoming split with Leviathan. I've heard the new material, and I've interviewed Blake about the direction of the band. So shut your fucking mouth.
lol see thats the problem with you homos, you PREACH acceptance and shit but you're just as bad as everyone else. its funny, because society hates you, and yet within your own ranks you hate each other... funny.

Dude, don't take out your petty problems on a forum that could care less about what your opinion is on people you don't even know. If you have that much free time, you should try learning how to play something, preferaby the electric chair.
It's a fine album, but probably not the best album for a person to start with for Drudkh.

Thanks... I put that on my list and was looking to buy it but now I think I'll hold off on that one... which one would you recommend as a first one for someone like me who has not experienced them yet?
While not directly related to Black Metal (although his work is still based on it loosely), has anyone checked out the new Vintersorg album, "Sollens Rotter"? It's seriously good. I mean as in, possibly the best thing he has ever done.

I love Vintersorg, even more when he really pulls out the guns and just excels himself.
Anyone here like Walknut? They just started and they only have a three song EP, but it's really good.
Yeah, IT's pretty good. However I still like Odemarkens Son the best.

Quite a few people say that... it's hard to pick a favourite out of his works, but Hedniskhjärtad, Till Fjalls, Cosmic Genesis and Visions From The Spiral Generator are all equal favourites for me. The man is a bloody genius.
Thanks... I put that on my list and was looking to buy it but now I think I'll hold off on that one... which one would you recommend as a first one for someone like me who has not experienced them yet?

Songs of Grief and Solitude is largely a Ukrainian folk album...acoustic...think of Ulver's's just not very representative of their overall style. Go with either Forgotten Legends or Autumn Aurora (or both...or all), and you're set.


Ansur's Axiom is goddamn good black metal. I don't even know if it's properly considered black metal, but if you enjoy Ved Buens Ende, Code and other "Post BM" bands, you might enjoy Ansur. Really really good stuff.