Black Metal.

Has anyone here seen Nachtmystium live? I'm interested in how their live sound compares to the production of Instinct: Decay, particularly concerning the psychedelic guitar tones.

I've seen Nachtmystium twice. Both times have been at a small VFW hall and thus the sound system wasn't the greatest. The first time I saw them a PA speaker caught on fire causing them to do mostly the whole set instrumental, which was cool. The second time was better, but I felt that the lead guitar was lost a bit. If you're considering going to see them I say to go. They put on a great show.
Well, I've already heard some stuff of the next Raventale's album. And it's actually great.
Lead guitar is always softer live, at least in my experience. I still want to see them eventually though. Hopefully next time it won't cost me 40 bucks to see them + 50 crappy bands.

Not if you show up at 5:30. That's when I'm planning to get there, and I only need to sit through 4 crap bands while seeing 5 good ones. said:
Friday Main Stage


12:35 - 12:55 THY WIIL BE DONE

1:05 - 1:25 SKELETON WITCH

1:35 - 1:55 DAATH

2:05 - 2:25 THE FACELESS

2:35 - 2:55 NORA


3:35 - 3:55 ALL SHALL PERISH

4:05 - 4:25 STILL REMAINS

4:35 - 4:55 DESPISED ICON

5:05 - 5:25 SKINLESS

5:35 - 5:55 NACHTMYSTIUM

6:05 - 6:25 KATAKLYSM

6:35 - 6:55 3 INCHES OF BLOOD

7:05 - 7:35 WALLS OF JERICHO


8:35 - 9:05 DEVIL DRIVER

9:25 - 10:00 BURY YOUR DEAD

10:15 - 11:00 BEHEMOTH

11:30 - 1:00 DIMMU BORGIR
Hey do u guys know that Aaron Turner from ISIS plays in Twilight (US). I like isis but who would have thought that one day wrest would be playing in the same band has a guy who is in a metalcore band(he is also in old mans gloom)?
Hey do u guys know that Aaron Turner from ISIS plays in Twilight (US). I like isis but who would have thought that one day wrest would be playing in the same band has a guy who is in a metalcore band(he is also in old mans gloom)?
Aaron Turner is a big fan of underground black metal. The plans were originally for Wrest, Blake Judd, and Turner to be in a band, but they decided it would just be easier for Turner to join Twilight. Malefic is also no longer in that band.

And Isis is NOT metalcore.
Aaron Turner is a big fan of underground black metal. The plans were originally for Wrest, Blake Judd, and Turner to be in a band, but they decided it would just be easier for Turner to join Twilight. Malefic is also no longer in that band.

And Isis is NOT metalcore.

I meant that old mans gloom was metalcore. I have respect for Turner but this is something i thought would never happen with blac k metal but this is great.
I have Under ein Blodraud Maane by Manes. Awesome stuff. Hugely underrated band - apart from their later shit, which is exactly that; shit.

haha. I got the promo for their latest album to review for'll definitely piss off a lot of metalheads (a few of the tracks are in every shape and form rap songs)