Black Metal.

Don't listen to Killbot, he's a homo. Night Conquers Day is another quality band, but not on the same level as Tearstained. Into The Sunless Meridian is good as well.
I just ordered Nocturno Culto's The Misanthrope film (DVD) :kickass:

Can't fucking wait to see this!

Ok, I have a question. Have Varg ever used drum-machine or was he playing drums himself, or what?
Varg played the drums on the Burzum albums. From what I understand, he'd only been playing for a few months before recording the first album.
Any Arckanum fans here? Man, I can't get enough of his stuff. That guy has fantastic vocals, and emotions in his voice touch so deep - it also sounds pretty weird. His music is really interesting as it has a lot of ambient shit in it. Great stuff.