Black Metal.

I've yet to hear the Moonblood split, but I guess it's in the same vein as the stuff on the Clandestine Blaze and Mutiilation splits. I like these songs, but they don't feel as tight as those on Inquisitors of Satan. It seems like they're stretching 3-4 ideas into 7-9 minute songs.
I see he put his covers of Raise The Dead and Black Masses. I think he does an excellent job on his covers, especially those two, which are on Final Thoughts. Countess has a myspace too if you haven't checked it out, he always has an unreleased song up there, which he changes every once in a while. I swear to god, Orlok has shelved more excellent albums than most people can pen.

Who did a cover for Raise the Dead?

Raise the Dead by Bathory, we're talking about, right?