Black Metal.

Night Conquers Day are pretty badass.

Thurisaz (Bel) surprised me in terms of their quality as well. Not straight up grim BM but some sort of melodic black/death/gothic synthesis. It doesn't sound too good on paper but their is something about their material that just sounds 'right'. I highly recommend both of their albums.
Well I borrowed a friend's copy of Immortal's Sons of the Northern Darkness and I must say it's very good upon first listen. Not as black metally as I would have wanted, though. I'll be sure to pick up Pure Holocaust in the not too distant future.
I haven't listened to Immortal in quite a while.

How does DFM compare to Pure Holocaust? It's the last Immortal album i need and i'm not sure whether to buy it or not.
It's my second favorite after Pure Holocaust. I actually very rarely listen to Immortal, in fact I listen to them least out of all of the major Norwegian bands, but I listened to Pure Holocaust last night.
I think it's funny that you like 1349 and not Mayhem and early Satyricon and Behemoth.
The demo is a free download on their website. I'm sure the link is on M-A. The two songs were lengthy, 13 mins. and 12 mins. The first reminded me a bit of Weakling, while the second was more like recent Blut Aus Nord. The production reminded me a bit of Drawing Down the Moon. It had that sort of distant, empty quality.
Blood Tsunami's album is titled most misleadingly. Much more melodic death than thrash in there. Overall I didn't mind it, although it may be a bit to catchy for it's own good. I wouldn't seek them out unless they are still being talked about two or three years from now.