Black Metal.

Can anyone tell me about wolves in the throne room?

They're a pretty good USBM band and well-deserving of credit but in my opinion they're a bit overrated. Their last album "Diadem of 12 Stars" gained a lot of attention in black metal community.
Antithesis is a fucking great album. Very original and different from most black metal.
Just picked it up today, well actually exchanged it, after I found out my Glorior Belli CD was defective. I've heard the album before so I know what I'm in for. The packaging is very nice for the album.
Night Conquers Day are pretty badass.

Thurisaz (Bel) surprised me in terms of their quality as well. Not straight up grim BM but some sort of melodic black/death/gothic synthesis. It doesn't sound too good on paper but their is something about their material that just sounds 'right'. I highly recommend both of their albums.
Thurisaz sound incredible so far...
just got the new one and you're right, they are very hard to put a finger on. Moments are very dark/doomy black metal then the chorus busts into something bright and crisp.
Here's good description:
Possibly the best way to describe Thurisaz is a more dramatic and soaring European version of Agalloch. Whereas Agalloch takes you trudging through a northern US or Canadian forest, Thurisaz sweeps you across harsh wintry fields and woodland of northern Europe.
Well, I decided to give Xasthur a chance again, and checked out some tracks from Subliminal Genocide. Once again, I can't give it the thumbs up. It sounds boring and monotonous, and his slow, dissonant riffs don't really make any sense musically. Maybe Xasthur's brand of suicidal black metal just isn't my cup of tea.
Well, I decided to give Xasthur a chance again, and checked out some tracks from Subliminal Genocide. Once again, I can't give it the thumbs up. It sounds boring and monotonous, and his slow, dissonant riffs don't really make any sense musically. Maybe Xasthur's brand of suicidal black metal just isn't my cup of tea.

It's not mine either. I don't have a terribly strong opinion either way of that particular sub-genre (since I guess suicidal BM is now kind of accepted as a distinct entity), but Xasthur has never grabbed me. I like his work on the split with Nortt (whom I love), and the Leviathan is cool, namely Tenth Sub-level and the split with Crebain.
It's not mine either. I don't have a terribly strong opinion either way of that particular sub-genre (since I guess suicidal BM is now kind of accepted as a distinct entity), but Xasthur has never grabbed me. I like his work on the split with Nortt (whom I love), and the Leviathan is cool, namely Tenth Sub-level and the split with Crebain.
Oh. I like most suidical black metal. Abyssic Hate, early Forgotten Tomb, Sterbend, Nortt, Silencer, Shining, etc. are great. It's just that I find Xasthur a bore.
Black metal is my fav genre..
Taake, urgehal, koldbrann, dark funeral, immortal, dimmu borgir (yeah i love em, so?) Aeternus(!!!), Satyricon, 1349, gorgoroth, emperor, bathory, carpathian forest... ya, like em all :D