Black Metal.

Oh, it does! I love the type of music VC created with Genevieve whether you want to call it black metal or otherwise. Also, it has the spectacular effect of clearing up the issue of who is a moron and who is not. You know the morons are the ones who tell you that everyone who enjoys the album is somehow mistaken or doesn't know what they're talking about :lol:

Yeah, it is a pretty polarizing album. Pretty polarizing band in all reality, I still love them and find their actions amusing - can't wait for their next little scheme.
Haha yes, I mean - I got into them right after they had the epic post on their website telling everyone it was a joke and just to get a reaction, so I had to find out what it was about. I looked into it and I was like "Hahahaha, this band fucking rules. Not one band has ever duped an entire fuckin' music scene like they did" and since then I've wanted to shake Josh's hand and give Angela a big kiss.
I should give the album another listen, I haven't played it since the beginning of the whole hype crap.
Genevieve was great. Was the material outside of that any good?

I like some of it, none of it is as good as Genevieve though. Dextronaut is worth checking out if you can get ahold of the remastered version.

Also their stolen shoegaze albums are good, but obviously they're not Velvet Cacoon albums in reality :p
I like some of it, none of it is as good as Genevieve though. Dextronaut is worth checking out if you can get ahold of the remastered version.

Also their stolen shoegaze albums are good, but obviously they're not Velvet Cacoon albums in reality :p

I would not call that shoegaze more ambient.
On a different note, I just picked up some Black Metal I've been largely unfamiliar with today, namely Belenos (L'Ancien Temps and Chants De Bataille) and Hate Forest (Sorrow). I'm just about all the way through both discs of L'Ancien Temps, and I have to say that it's really fucking good, especially the second disc, which is "Triste Pensee," with two bonus tracks which are also high quality. I haven't listened to the others yet. I also picked up the new Minotauri, Immolation - Failures For Gods, and Incantation's second, but I suppose that's not relevant to this thread.
I think Sorrow is great. I took my band name from one of the songs on the album. One thing I don't like is the puzzling black metal technique of having an abrupt cut/stop at the end of every track. I think DMDS was the first album that really did that. I never saw any artistic reason to cut off the end of songs like that.
Are they actually going to continue? I thought they were done.

As far as I know they're supposedly working on a new album.

Josh's message taken from their google e-group: "And on the subject of Velvet Cacoon, the band is a total fraud. Nothing about it holds any importance. The "How the Last Day" demo isn't even us. It's Miranda Lehman from Portland. (check the Wiki site). "Dizzy" isn't us. It's "My Violent Ego". Nothing is us. "Northsuite" was recorded in 3 hours and sold to a fake label who paid us enough for rent and substances. That's why its so terrible. We're utter bastards. We have no respect for anything. Now we're beginning the campaign to show just what we've done. We are walking examples of what far too many drugs will do. They make you crave havoc. They make you want to turn the world upside down while laughing like a maniac.

And now the soft afterglow sets in. VC is winding down. One last album. One final collection. And the damn thing isn't even recorded yet. Maybe we'll just steal it too. I must tell you that our correspondence will not continue much longer. I'm going to make a clean break - you'll know when the moment hits. You'll know exactly what I mean too.

First, I must convince the world that I am nothing special or intelligent, nor was Velvet Cacoon. If there was discussion about us before, I can only imagine what is about to come.

Feel free to spread this letter."

On a different note, I just picked up some Black Metal I've been largely unfamiliar with today, namely Belenos (L'Ancien Temps and Chants De Bataille) and Hate Forest (Sorrow). I'm just about all the way through both discs of L'Ancien Temps, and I have to say that it's really fucking good, especially the second disc, which is "Triste Pensee," with two bonus tracks which are also high quality. I haven't listened to the others yet. I also picked up the new Minotauri, Immolation - Failures For Gods, and Incantation's second, but I suppose that's not relevant to this thread.

Awesome job with the Belenos, obviously one of my favorite BM bands, and you did pretty well getting L'Ancien Temps as it is quite a nice introduction into their early demo sound, but with better production obviously. Chants De Bataille is pretty decent, you should like it but it is their weakest effort to date (probably a result of Loic taking the band on as solo project again.)

If you can I'd suggest trying to pick up Spicilege and Errances Oniriques.

Good choice on Hate Forest too, very good band.

EDIT: Posted the letter that Josh posted about VC:
Yeah, I definitely plan on looking out for the other Belenos albums now, though I imagine they'll be marginally hard (and possibly pricey) to find and acquire at this point, as they seem to be sold out from the band's website too now.
No, I bought them from the record store around here, but I'm sure you can find something through a google search though nothing turned up for me immediately.
Yeah, I definitely plan on looking out for the other Belenos albums now, though I imagine they'll be marginally hard (and possibly pricey) to find and acquire at this point, as they seem to be sold out from the band's website too now.

They pop up on ebay everyonce in a while, and there is the CD version of Notre Amour Eternel on sale over at musicstack for 23 dollars:

But they'll be hard to get, I got one of the last copies of both Spicilege and EO - which was cool, also managed to pick up a demo tape of the band.

Can you point me to a place where I can buy Belenos albums via paypal?

Go to the contact section for instructions on how to get the stuff.