Black Metal.

What are some good mid-90s symphonic black metal albums, aside from the obvious (Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, etc)?

aside from the obvious:

Abigor - Nachthymnen
Lunar Aurora - Weltenganger
Manes - Ned I Stillheten
Manes -
Maanens Natt
Poccolus - s/t (seriously underrated stuff here)
Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
Obtained fucking Enslavement. How many times do I need to mention this band before people actually take notice? Witchcraft is probably the best Symphonic Black Metal album ever recorded.

Wow, I actually have that. k00l. Usually I know 1 out of ten bands you mention.
Velvet Cacoon is the perfect example of how to market an underground act effectively. The formula they used could have been attached to any half decent music and been successful, they figured out how to create hype on no budget at all. Also it showed how willing a lot of metal fans are to buy into empty hype (if we didn't already know). The music itself is kind of secondary since the whole act was basically a troll, but it's competent. Anyone calling it a masterpiece is probably a bit of a "dextronaut" themselves. ;)
people who bought into VC's bullshit make me laugh, because a lot of them now try to defend genevieve as something relevant.

was the purpose strictly to fuck with the underground? lame.
I definitely didn't know about the band at the time, and didn't hear the album until I had already read about their antics, and I still found it to be good.

Some of the drawbacks are the formulaic song structures, and that tracks 3 & 4 are a big cut above the rest.
What are some good mid-90s symphonic black metal albums, aside from the obvious (Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, etc)?

Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symphonia
Borknagar - Borknagar
Covenant - Nexus Polaris
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia
Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death
people who bought into VC's bullshit make me laugh, because a lot of them now try to defend genevieve as something relevant.

was the purpose strictly to fuck with the underground? lame.

i think the aim was the demonstrate what a bunch of easily-led idiots much of the blackmetal community are which they did spectacularly
On a different note, I just picked up some Black Metal I've been largely unfamiliar with today, namely Belenos (L'Ancien Temps and Chants De Bataille) and Hate Forest (Sorrow). I'm just about all the way through both discs of L'Ancien Temps, and I have to say that it's really fucking good, especially the second disc, which is "Triste Pensee," with two bonus tracks which are also high quality. I haven't listened to the others yet. I also picked up the new Minotauri, Immolation - Failures For Gods, and Incantation's second, but I suppose that's not relevant to this thread.
I definitely didn't know about the band at the time, and didn't hear the album until I had already read about their antics, and I still found it to be good.

Some of the drawbacks are the formulaic song structures, and that tracks 3 & 4 are a big cut above the rest.

Yeah, same here. I find the music to be good, without knowing all the hype. :shrug:
Velvet Cacoon is the perfect example of how to market an underground act effectively. The formula they used could have been attached to any half decent music and been successful, they figured out how to create hype on no budget at all. Also it showed how willing a lot of metal fans are to buy into empty hype (if we didn't already know). The music itself is kind of secondary since the whole act was basically a troll, but it's competent. Anyone calling it a masterpiece is probably a bit of a "dextronaut" themselves. ;)

The music is secondary generally yes (Genevieve being the big exception to this), but Genevieve is the perfect example of how to bring black metal away from the typical atmosphere of forests and kvlt fjords, and to the vast expansive ocean, while still retaining a distinctly black metal sound, which isn't too "out there."

It is a masterpiece in every sense of the word as far as I'm concerned, I care not for the quality of their other albums because Genevieve they are not.
I found a distro that had Spicilege, so I picked that up along with Duk Buk - Idu Na Vy! and Hate Forest - Scythia. I'm buying too much shit as it is, but this is stuff that I've been meaning to check out for a long time.