Black Metal.

Yes, this is very good news, although "Si Momentum..." didn't fare well against the test of time, I think. I don't believe I have listened to it once in a year, at least.
Hubster has an everlasting chip on his shoulder in regards to black metal, comes off as a complete tool to be quite honest when he gets like that ...

I know, I'm a tosser :kickass:

uh death metal is catchy boppy garbage? :erk:

Yep sure is. Boring as fuck for the most part.

meh... back in the 90s when burzum was the most hated band and peoples would beat you until you bleed if you owned any burzum lps. (everyone in the black metal community was an euronymous defenders)

how things have changed... now everyone is ball-licking varg like he is beethoven.

Riiight. Maybe in your town fella, but anyone in their right mind into Black Metal knew Burzum was good material. FYI the community at the time was not completely behind Euronymous, it was divided. People are ball-licking Varg now because he is Black Metal's Beethoven, much like many people now suck the cock of St Colombe and Marin Marais in Baroque circles.

Music, like fine wine, ages well with time and this has certainly been the case with the music of Varg Vikernes.
Have you even heard any old school death metal like Demigod, Demilich, Seance, Therion, etc? If you think that's catchy boppy garbage, you don't understand death metal.

Perhaps. I just find it boring, but, I do recognise its importance to metal overall - I'm definitely not going to play that down.
Good think I dled Mort first, before deciding to blindly buy it. What's so bad about it? Is it another abstract bm work, in the vein of The Work which Transforms God, but worse? I have not listened to it yet.
MoRT is pretty...out there. If you don't mind it not being really metal-ish, but you still want a creepy/awkward atmosphere, then check it out.
Perhaps. I just find it boring, but, I do recognise its importance to metal overall - I'm definitely not going to play that down.

I think you should check out Molested - Blod Draum. It's very atmospheric. You might like it.