Black Metal.

It took me a few spins to appreciate the haunting, rhythmic patterns, along with how they progress through their riffing. One of my favourites.
Yes. In Pains is great. It was the first album I ever got on CD (I had accumulated a singnificant death and thrash tape collection up to that point).
I can't wait for the reissue. I would risk buying it online, had I not been ripped off one time too many,making purchases this way.The local metal store here has got an ear for all undeground BM/DM classics, so the shelves are full of reissues right now.

DeathDelirum, I'm uploading it as I write.
The first and only band I've ever heard call themselves Orthodox Black Metal is Countess, which generally means Black Metal in the ancient traditions.
It's not a subgenre, it's just what Orlok likes to call his music. It's orthodox...proper. Black Metal the way he feels Black Metal is supposed to be. So in actuality it's the furthest thing from a subgenre as you can get.
From my understanding, Orthodox Black Metal means that the bands focus on religious themes, but are more serious about it (like Deathspell Omega) rather than tongue-in-cheek satanism which is all too common in Black Metal.

So it has nothing to do with the music. Just like NSBM, it's in the theme/image.