Black Metal.

Maniac Butcher fucking rule. One of the most underrated Black Metal bands from the 90s. All of their albums are worthy, the most notable being Barbarians and Lucan-Antikrist.

Vlad Tepes are somewhat hit and miss, mostly due to horrendous production values. Their split with Belketre is classic though, and contains their best material. Belketre is quite a bit better, and much more worthy of investigation (Especially if you like your Black Metal fucking harsh.)
Maniac Butcher fucking rule. One of the most underrated Black Metal bands from the 90s. All of their albums are worthy, the most notable being Barbarians and Lucan-Antikrist.

Vlad Tepes are somewhat hit and miss, mostly due to horrendous production values. Their split with Belketre is classic though, and contains their best material. Belketre is quite a bit better, and much more worthy of investigation (Especially if you like your Black Metal fucking harsh.)

could you upload some vlad tepes more me?
Belketre is a bit on the sucky 'kvlt' bullshit side from what I remember. I enjoyed Vlad Tepes a lot more from what I can remember, though I think I've only heard the Belketre split from their material. I've heard most of what Belketre's done, though, and didn't care for it.
and blut aus nord!!

yeah Ban should release 2 Ep this years..... i also forgot other french bands such as Glorior Belli (in june) and Arkhon Infaustus..... which i'm listening right now and it's killer!
Pentagram and Antichrist seem to be pretty popular Gorgoroth choices

recently rediscovered this lurking on my computer:

check out my band SUNLESS DAWN we're black metal. but in our own way. our recordings arent too great but hopefully uoi can get the point.

i've always liked bands like raventhrone and mithotyn and windir. grand belials key is just fuckin vulgar and awesome. i never seen any black metal bands live though i never hear about the shows. i live near philly so if anyone hears any let me know!

and if someone can help me find some raventhrone and hollenthon shit that would be awesome.