Black Metal.

In only rare occasions do I want to hear the majority of a bands material. I admit however, with black metal I really don't care to. I have to say because a lot of it is nothing more than shit or awful demos. For some reason I've very turned off by black metal demos and rehearsals, maybe because there is little difference in sound between the actual album and the demos.

But for example, for over ten years and growing up as a kid I was heavy into Marilyn Manson (like them or not) this is a band I can honestly say I would love to hear every song they recorded that didn't make the final cut. This would be very special to me to revisit each different 'era' and experience those early songs that I haven't heard.
In most cases demos are just a novelty, especially when the material gets redone for the album. Off the top of my head, the only demos I listen to with any regularity are Emperor's and Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil. Part of the value in those is that the tracks weren't released otherwise.
i discovered The Ruins of Beverast recently, a one man band performing atmospheric black/doom metal with lots of gregorian chants.

he made two albums.... both 80 mins long, not so easy listening!

Rain Upon the Impure is quite similar to Darkspace - I i say.
Great fucking shit. But I definitely like the previous album better than the latest.
Has anyone heard the band The Moaning? They weren't pure black metal but excellent melodic black metal from Sweden. Similar stuff to Dissection's The Somberlain. Just got my hands on Blood from Stone.
Moonblood is pretty overrated due to their kvltness and aversion to the compact disc, though a good band nonetheless. Certainly not one of the two best black metal bands ever though.
Moonblood is pretty overrated due to their kvltness and aversion to the compact disc, though a good band nonetheless. Certainly not one of the two best black metal bands ever though.

Idk man, there demo The Winter Falls Over The Land and the split with deathspell omega is amazing. YES I SAID IT AMAZING.
lol i swear it was not. Its not in there now and the only album i have removed from my sig is peste noir becuase i got sick of that album has of the last week. I replaced it with armsouers.