Black Metal.

Yes, that's the message I was trying to convey in describing the album's sheer power. The beauty is in the music, and the emotion is in the vocal delivery.
just got Mgla - Further Down The Nest + Mdlosci, Morrigan - The Damned and Eternity - Funeral Mass.

lots of new stuff today!
As per earlier, my MGLA lone collection of the Presence EP is now completed with new additions :)

good band?

MGŁA? Hell yeah, damned good and every release thus far has been solid. Get into them people! Fucking great band and the best part is that the best is yet to come.


All releases and some info thus far for those new to the band.

MGŁA: Presence (EP) 2006
MGŁA: Mdłości (EP) 2006
MGŁA: Further Down The Nest (EP) 2007

Note: MGŁA also contributed 4 tracks to "Crushing The Holy Trinity" a compilation including Deathspell Omega, Stabat Mater, Musta Surma, Clandestine Blaze and Exordium (2005).

Official site. Includes three samples.

Hateful Raw(ish)Suicidal and Self-Destructive Black Metal from Poland with snarled vocals, ice-cold tremoloing and surprisingly good drumming. Average production - not too clear, and not too raw, a fine balance.

I have uploaded from the Presence EP, "II" here. Enjoy.