Black Metal.

provide quality opinions of:

Antaeus - Blood Libels
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Odal - Wilde Kraft
provide quality opinions of:

Antaeus - Blood Libels
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Odal - Wilde Kraft

Antaeus - Their best album - while not my favorite French BM act very high quality.

I Shalt Become - one of the best USBM acts around, absolutely great.

Kataxu - Good BUT if you can get Roots Thunder instead get it, because HoE is overly saturated with synth work.
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.

i saw dimmu borgir live they were great.
when i heard vortex voice in progenies of the great apocalypse i got shivers and my nippls got hard thats how fucking amazing it was.

dimmu borgir also did a song called black metal (venom cover)
anyone know where i can find it?
I cant see dimmu as being a black metal band...

Well they have abandoned their black metal roots, and I don't think that's a bad thing though For All Tid is my favourite Dimmu album.
However, more than anything the whole "Dimmu isn't black metal" has much to do with Dimmu being successfully popular, and appeaing to a certain audience. There are numerous bands accepted as black metal but are respected, and people don't jump and shout "they aren't black metal" every time the band's name is mentioned. You could easily question the validity of many accepted 'black metal' bands.
I'm about halfway through Lords of Chaos and it's an ok read so far. The part about Varg's motivations and ideologies drags on forever, though, and it seems like a lot of it was bullshitted(which it probably was).
I'm about halfway through Lords of Chaos and it's an ok read so far. The part about Varg's motivations and ideologies drags on forever, though, and it seems like a lot of it was bullshitted(which it probably was).

I thought it was a good book though like you said it drags a bit. Still very cool to see an 'obscure' genre like black metal get so much coverage in a book.
they were good live.
the keyboardist just sat there, didnt move for an entire show. it was creepy as fuck. (could only see his face because of his setup, but that corpse paint was wicked)

Yeah I saw them live recently also. And yeah Mustis didn't move all that much... :lol:
Good show but the guitars sounded like absolute shit. :erk:
The only problem at my show was that the sound guy fucked up and made the keyboards almost mute.

I read a review of another show where the keyboards were inaudible. Keys sounded great at my show but guitars for so low in the mix you couldn't hear them. Fucking sucked. :erk:
Kataxu - Hunger of Elements

That fact that you do not own this is insulting. Yes, it does have a lot of synth-work, but it works to a great and powerful effect on the listener. The synths are powerful but they remain as backing and atmospheric conveyances, rather than the keyboard-noodling you would expect from Arcturus. The vocals on this album are delivered with such painful emotion you would think the guy should drop dead after every verse. There are three metal tracks (all very long) and three shorter synth tracks, but don't count those out as they are just as moving as the guitar-driven tracks.
I'm about halfway through Lords of Chaos and it's an ok read so far. The part about Varg's motivations and ideologies drags on forever, though, and it seems like a lot of it was bullshitted(which it probably was).

The Nazi UFO conspiracy section literally had me laughing the entire time I was reading it.
That fact that you do not own this is insulting. Yes, it does have a lot of synth-work, but it works to a great and powerful effect on the listener. The synths are powerful but they remain as backing and atmospheric conveyances, rather than the keyboard-noodling you would expect from Arcturus. The vocals on this album are delivered with such painful emotion you would think the guy should drop dead after every verse. There are three metal tracks (all very long) and three shorter synth tracks, but don't count those out as they are just as moving as the guitar-driven tracks.

As brilliant as the album is, I don't know where you get the idea that the album is "moving" and so emotional. If anything, it's a fantastic display of epic aggression and beauty. But what you're saying sounds like you've been listening to some Opeth or something!

Hunger of Elements isn't some kind of dirge, it's a dark display of power.