Black Metal.

What do you think of Gorgoroth's first 3 albums? I sampled all 3 and Pentagram's vocals will take some getting used to, to me they're not great, I guess they're decent, sound like a worser version of INTE Ihshan, Antichrist had the best music and vocals from what I heard, Under the Sign of Hell had a more current type Gorgoroth feel to it? Which one do you like the best and why?

They're pretty hit or miss for me. The vocalist they had for Pentagram is horrible. Donald Duck has no place in black metal, and the music he's singing over is average at best. I did like Twilight of the Idols a lot, and a few others I've heard here and there.
:lol: He does quite resemble him. :lol: The music seemed best to me from the samples on Antichrist and Pentagram, if I order Gorogorth I'll likely order Antichrist.
I love Antichrist and UTSoH, Pentegram I need to listen to more I guess. Newer gorgoroth isn't really anything spectacular, but it isn't horrible. UTSoH I realy love.
What do you think of Gorgoroth's first 3 albums? I sampled all 3 and Pentagram's vocals will take some getting used to, to me they're not great, I guess they're decent, sound like a worser version of INTE Ihshan, Antichrist had the best music and vocals from what I heard, Under the Sign of Hell had a more current type Gorgoroth feel to it? Which one do you like the best and why?

I love every single one of them. And actually, I prefer Hat's vocals (on Pentagram) to all of their other vocalists, including Gaahl. I think these albums epitomize what was great about the second wave of black metal. Sure, other bands did it better, but they compressed into a half-hour album what it took most other bands 40-50 to replicate.
I don't dislike Gorgoroth, but boy do those albums sound average to me. I really think you can spend your time and money on better stuff than this. I guess it's good to be familiar with the band for historical reference, but if you've already heard a decent amount of black metal, there's nothing mind blowing here. It really makes the difference between the top tier and the secondary bands apparent.
I don't dislike Gorgoroth, but boy do those albums sound average to me. I really think you can spend your time and money on better stuff than this. I guess it's good to be familiar with the band for historical reference, but if you've already heard a decent amount of black metal, there's nothing mind blowing here. It really makes the difference between the top tier and the secondary bands apparent.

There's no denying that, but they are very aesthetically pleasing to me and the generic nature of a lot of black metal has never bothered me.
^That's why I haven't quite gotten any Gorgoroth yet, the new stuff seems good but kinda unique for black metal, Gaahl is a good vocalist, a mix of Satyr and Shagrath I'd say, but the music doesn't grab you in, I guess it's the kind of music you have to let grow on you, they're not priority yet though I do see myself buying Antichrist. Satyricon, Burzum, Dark Funeral, and Darkthrone are black metal priorities, namely Dark Medieval Times and Burzum/Aske, I will definitely have those by the end of the year.
^That's why I haven't quite gotten any Gorgoroth yet, the new stuff seems good but kinda unique for black metal, Gaahl is a good vocalist, a mix of Satyr and Shagrath I'd say, but the music doesn't grab you in, I guess it's the kind of music you have to let grow on you, they're not priority yet though I do see myself buying Antichrist. Satyricon, Burzum, Dark Funeral, and Darkthrone are black metal priorities, namely Dark Medieval Times and Burzum/Aske, I will definitely have those by the end of the year.

Why does it take you so long to buy an album?
^I just buy once a month, I don't spend all my money on music, I usually have plenty saved actually, I think I'll be stuck on Norwegian black metal for the next 5 years most likely.
Probably also the convenience my local FYE gives, I'll end up just delaying purchases because I see a CD I like there, and it's usually newer death metal I get there, that and I only recently started ordering online.
No. Prolific sums up Blut Aus Nord. Vindsval makes some highly intelligent sonic material. The music he makes would NOT be possible without the knowledge of music theory.


1. producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful: a prolific pear tree.
2. producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive: a prolific writer.
3. profusely productive or fruitful (often fol. by in or of): a bequest prolific of litigations.
4. characterized by abundant production: a prolific year for tomatoes.

What does music theory contribute to and how do I learn it? I was never raised in a music-orineted environment and really know nothing about theory. Everything's Ive done has been self-teaching.