Black Metal.

ive heard them all. satanica was decent enough, but after that i got bored. grom and sventevith, while good, just got boring and failed to capture my attention for more than a few listens.

the two i mentioned have a cold feel similar to other early polish bm bands like early graveland and veles. raw, a bit sloppy, but true in spirit
Is it just me, or does the first song on Sventeith sound like a total ripoff of Into The Infinity of Thoughts? Or do I have my chronology wrong?

Anyway, I really agree with what VVVVV said about letting go of the past a bit. Yes, we all know that 2nd wave Norwegian BM was great, but if we want black metal to grow we have to be a bit more accepting of experimentation and some false steps along the way. If you want to not listen to anything post '95, then fine. But cramming this view down everyone's throat doesn't help anyone.
I absolutely agree. I like at least SOME things from EVERY wave of BM and believe it can go places never even thought possible in music...but of course hardly anyone will allow it too with their purist thinking.
I don't understand why it's absolutely essential to keep the whole "purist" thing in mind when listening to black metal. I don't get why people don't accept expansion of the genre.
For a while I've been considering getting into Dark Funeral, but I've put it off due to the negative vibes I've seen them draw from several people here. Today I found the opportunity to compromise. I saw for 7 dollars their In The Sign... MCD and from what I've researched, many believe it to contain the band's best material. I bought the album. My question is how the band had degenerated since this release?

the problem with DF is all of their albums, even most of their songs sounds the same..... they were pretty good & original in 95..... but they haven't evolved at all during the last 12 years.... and now they kinda sound cheesy. They also have the worse lyrics of any bm bands.

DF formula = organic guitar + non-stop blast beat + satan screaming.

Funeral Mist is a much better version of Dark Funeral.
I don't understand why it's absolutely essential to keep the whole "purist" thing in mind when listening to black metal. I don't get why people don't accept expansion of the genre.

That's the problem, there isn't enough expension..... too much darkthrone, burzum and emperor clones for my taste.
People who put too much weight on things such as production and exoteric philosophies have always struck me as idiots, too inept to grasp greater, more important aspects of music, such as structural soundness, sublime beauty in death and the darker sides of life and innovativeness.

The newer generation of pretentious, politically correct pseudo-intellectuals are the ones most guilty of this; having experienced metal firstly through bands such as Opeth and Dream Theatre, thus thinking they have somehow 'grasped' metal on a higher level than the rest of us, when in reality, it is actually quite opposite. Alcest and Solefald are completely worthless on all levels, having contributed NOTHING to the greater scheme of things, and that is a objective fact.

Production value is of course ultimately unimportant to the quality of the music, but such an insistence on an inferior sound is, to me, quite representative of an artistic (and I use that term loosely when referring to such bands) mindset that elevates the importance of adherence to worthless aesthetic tropes over musical innovation. It is impossible to grasp structural soundness or innovativeness in the vast majority of such bands because it is nonexistent, and the near-identical production of all such bands is simply an easily-recognizable signifier of that fact, preventing one from wasting any more time than is necessary listening to such dreck.

Please, if you wish to condemn such great, artful bands, provide reasoning for your claims, or I will be forced to presume that, beyond a regressivist gut reaction, little exists.
^^^ I heard that track on Black Metal Radio and I thought the same thing. Could be just a coincidence.

I'd like to get Sventevith sometime soon. That track was great, regardless of its originality.
What the hell is with the immense overreaction to older metal all of a sudden? And who the fuck has ever said that they don't listen to anything post 95? I'm pretty sure everyone here listens to whatever the fuck they like regardless of when it came out. Nobody is condemning experimentation, but at the same time that doesn't mean that these bands that are experimenting today aren't complete shit and are maybe even moving too far away from what Black Metal has always been.
Production value is of course ultimately unimportant to the quality of the music, but such an insistence on an inferior sound is, to me, quite representative of an artistic (and I use that term loosely when referring to such bands) mindset that elevates the importance of adherence to worthless aesthetic tropes over musical innovation. It is impossible to grasp structural soundness or innovativeness in the vast majority of such bands because it is nonexistent, and the near-identical production of all such bands is simply an easily-recognizable signifier of that fact, preventing one from wasting any more time than is necessary listening to such dreck.

Please, if you wish to condemn such great, artful bands, provide reasoning for your claims, or I will be forced to presume that, beyond a regressivist gut reaction, little exists.

I take it you listen to very little early Black Metal.

The fact that you immediately go to the term 'inferior' to describe the production values typically associated with this form of music suggests a lack of understanding of the actual aesthetic values of such a form of production and seems rather that you don't have the patience to appreciate these aesthetics. There are, of course, many bands who simply use such a production in order to adhere to the aesthetic precedent of the genre, which in itself is not a bad thing, but many other bands do indeed intentionally use this very raw and stripped down production as an extension of the music itself. This is a widely understood point in the field of Black Metal. Thus, your comments regarding the futility of what you define as "worthless" aesthetic tropes, the inherent "inferior" nature of the production, the "loosely" used term of artistic in order to describe these artists, and, well, essentially the entirety of your post, together form the perception that you just don't understand, despite the fact that you very clearly think that you do.

Please, if you wish to condemn such great, artful bands, provide reasong for your claims, or I will be forced to presume that, beyond a progressivist gut reaction, little exists.