Black Metal.

Funny, because I mentioned Unexpect to Matt in an AIM convo like 10 minutes ago as a band who randomly does shit because they can. Fuck them!
It would appear that we are approaching a synthesis, though the great question still remains:

Do bands add to the black metal genre by adding foreign, unrelated elements-be it shoe-gaze, horn sections or any random alternative music genre-or do they simply seize to be black metal?

On second thought, it would appear we are getting nowhere. :erk:
are we talking about the female birth control diaphragm or the body part?

Mort: I would love to offer my opinion on them, but I am unable to find auditory samples of them
I've been really interested in checking out Negative Plane for a while now, I really need to get on that.
I still think Requiem is a decent album, but easily his weakest out of the good material by a substantial margin.
The word "kool" is very progressive. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter! :p

Anyhow...I've been praising this for a while, but who else thinks Katharsis' VVorldVVithoutEnd is kickass.