Black Metal.

I'd still like to hear peoples opinions on Negative Plane as well :)

Et In Saecula Saeculorum was probably one of the best BM albums released last year, just wondering what others here think about them.

A very good band in my opinion. The production is perfect for the album and builds a special aura that compliments the music. I ordered the douple LP from Ajna this past weekend, I can't wait to listen to it.

who else thinks Katharsis' VVorldVVithoutEnd is kickass.
I do. The vocal performance from Drakh is just out of control. I can't wait to see what they do for their next album as I thought Kruzifixxion was an equally strong album (still trying to track down 666).
They are rejecting gimmick-based black metal as progressive. For instance, some people consider Solefald to be BM, but the posters who object are saying that that music cannot be BM simply because it deviates from a set norm using unrelated elements that are not fully integrated into the BM style.

Re: VVVVE...yes Nick I probably only do subconsciously like it because of that. :lol: Never even thought of that!! And yes, I am psyched (PSYCHED!!) for their new album...666 is good, rest assured, (haven't heard Kruzifixxion, but it most likely owns) and Drakh is a madman. I also LOVE the aesthetic they did for the booklet for VVVVE.
They are rejecting gimmick-based black metal as progressive. For instance, some people consider Solefald to be BM, but the posters who object are saying that that music cannot be BM simply because it deviates from a set norm using unrelated elements that are not fully integrated into the BM style.
That was not the impression I got. I thought they were arguing that it was not progressive merely by adding other elements, not that they are arguing it isn't BM. Or have I confused what you are saying. :erk:

I love this band
Graveland - start anywhere, since pretty much everything is good. However, if you want more BM-y stuff, get Carpathian Wolves. Otherwise, start a bit later.

Nokturnal Mortum - Get both Weltanschauung and Goat Horns.
im a big black metal fan as well, although my fascination has come along more recently. i like:

dimmu borgir, EMPEROR, bathory(old, and i like their viking stuff too), 1349, marduk, some mayhem, satyricon, kadennza, rotting christ, agathodaimon, dissection, dragonlord
Can someone give me a good idea of where to start in exploring the discographies of Graveland and Nokturnal Mortum?

Everything Nokturnal Mortum has done is gold. Start with Lunar Poetry. Get the Oriana re-issue... much better sound. Weltanschauung is also a great starter album.
But I think it should be allowed because I don't really want to deal with a bunch of threads for types of BM or other music which you don't think apply in THIS topic. :p

Anyone making a post-black thread will be shot on sight.

all those indie fags like Wires & Waves would probably do that.

post-rock, post-hardcore, post-*insert suffix here are all pretentious labels and seriously should cease to exist.
Post-rock is a pretentious genre but it does exist whether you like it or not, and it should not cease to exist as it is a very quality filled genre.
They are probably arguing both, since I'm fairly certain that neither consider Solefald to be BM in totality.
there's close to nothing BMish in Solefald. It's almost pure prog. Now if only I found an album of theirs that didn't bore me to fucking tears and didn't have shit vocals. Although what I heard from the Linear Scaffold was decent in parts. I'll have to spin it some more.
Everything Nokturnal Mortum has done is gold. Start with Lunar Poetry. Get the Oriana re-issue... much better sound. Weltanschauung is also a great starter album.
I have winamp on shuffle, and when it lands on NM I always check to see what album its on... shit doesnt even matter. Everything they've done is damn good :kickass: