Black Metal.

Which album?

As for Nokturnal Mortum, what are Nechrist and To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire like?

In my opinion, they are the two best NM releases.... different from the rest..... much more post-apocalyptic with keyboards, blast beats...but still remaining melodic/folkloric.

download the song On the Moonlight Path to give you an idea about the overall atmosphere.
Should I get Si Momentum Requires, Circumspice or their new one?

Neither. Get Kénôse, containing perhaps their finest work of their "new" era so far. Chances are you'll pick up on the black metal aspects of it quicker and have a desire to acquire SMRC, which you should do. Once you're used to the progressive tendencies of Kénôse (such as the guitarwork and longer songs), then you're ready for Fas.... But, if you feel you still aren't ready and would rather stick with more traditional black metal, go back further and get Inquisitors of Satan.

You can't go wrong with DsO, but the path to enlightenment is best charted by the advice of the enlightened. Good luck.
but the path to enlightenment is best charted by the advice of the enlightened. Good luck.


Seriously, this from a guy who thinks that "Symphonic" black metal is the best in the land and whose every second post is about fellating some Borknagar/Dimmu member. Come on, that's just too much! :lol:
Actually every second post is about his erotic love for Vortex.

Edit: Actually now that I read what you said, I said the exact same thing as you, just wiht a name.
We are not completely right actually, we forgot to add the industrial metal.

What the fuck are you talking about? I've never been an enthusiast of industrial metal (unless you count Rammstein, which I liked years ago). It was only last week that I created a thread about industrial black metal, which I have recently gained an increased interest in. Beyond that, your accusation is invalid.

And for that jab about symphonic black metal, I do not believe that sub-genre is superior to the rest of black metal or metal in general. I just feel that it's a sub-genre I'd like to gain more expertise in so as to understand it better for the sake of others. I don't praise every symphonic BM band; I know plenty who are sub-par.

I apologize if my language can get a bit flowery, perhaps bordering on pretentious, but that's just how I am, and, in that instance, I was offering advice, backed by my own experiences and opinions.

Are we cleared on this?
The jab wasn't about you listening to symphonic black metal, Zeph, honestly. It was about you presenting yourself as 'enlightened' when it comes to black metal, when you've been listening to it for, what, how long? 2 years?
The jab wasn't about you listening to symphonic black metal, Zeph, honestly. It was about you presenting yourself as 'enlightened' when it comes to black metal, when you've been listening to it for, what, how long? 2 years?

I see. I still consider myself a novice, thus I have much ambition to explore the many styles within the genre. I still have much to learn.

As for the enlightenment spiel, I meant it to pertain just to those who have experience Deathspell Omega's music, and thus are able to share their experience with those who haven't heard them (the unenlightened). Sorry if you thought I was labelling myself as a superior expert, so I'll be careful when writing another statement like that.
might have been talked about allready idk (theres like 260 pages in this damn thread, the fricken holy grail could be lost somewhere in here lol) but has anyone heard the newest marduk album i liked it quite a bit mostly cus of the vocals which i liked best in limbs of worship and accuser/opposer.
basicaly i wanna hear some other opinions on it

and about the enlightenment with deathspell omega, i havnt heard any of their stuff, what would be some good tracks to for me to check out?