Black Metal.

Anyone else into The Funeral Pyre? Good shit.

there is a new Mutiilation album called "Sorrow Galaxies" out !

you can buy it via perverted taste and dis-order.


besides the weird title, i'm certainly excited to hear that.
That's a nice album cover. I haven't heard any of the newer Mutiilation. Vampires of Black Imperial Blood is a pretty difficult listen. Really thin production. Born Under the Master's Spell is a great song. Most people think Remains... is a better album. I haven't heard it yet.
All Mütiilation I have heard (Vampires..., Remains..., and Rattenkönig) is excellent. Early stuff has a veiled, thin, gruesome production with well-developed, if horribly disturbing, atmosphere. "Into The Funeral Maelstrom Of Evil" is in my top 20 black metal songs ever, probably...amazing emotion in there...the acoustic part is perfect. Rattenkönig has some awesome songs ("BLACK COMAUUUGH!", The Bitter Taste Of Emotional Void, etc.) also.

EDIT: FUCK, A NEW ALBUM!!! :worship:
I've only heard Black Millennium (Grimly Reborn), which I actually own. I tend not to give a shit about albums that are impossible to find, and I've heard that the albums after this one are boring.