Black Metal.

Bal-Sagoth are not black metal, no. The early stuff is akin to OSDM with symphonic/epic elements, though, so you might like that if you want something grim yet "decadent" for lack of a better word...

MalignParadigm, I'd like to thank you for the Nox Intempesta rec...good shit!!
I have noticed a lack of REAL OCCULT BLACK METAL. By occult I dont mean "SATAN SATAN WORSHIP" lyrics, I mean more or less like Crowley. Anyone got any?

Edit/Dont say Black Funeral.

Necuratul already got in a good chunk of the BM side of it a couple of posts ago, but I thought you'd be interested in seeing this rather successful recommendation thread regarding occult...
Everything they've done is superb (though I haven't heard the most recent). I think All The Witches Dance may be my favorite.
That is exactly what I didn't want to hear...fuck it.

For the record, I like Jesu, but bands going Isis/Jesu-y is really getting on my nerves. It's more marketable and prevalent than doing metalcore out of nowhere because you can get on a sweet label and have great promotion right off the bat due to the trend.
That is exactly what I didn't want to hear...fuck it.

For the record, I like Jesu, but bands going Isis/Jesu-y is really getting on my nerves. It's more marketable and prevalent than doing metalcore out of nowhere because you can get on a sweet label and have great promotion right off the bat due to the trend.

Well its only more or less the first track. I dont see where you are coming from. Who is sounding like Jesu these days?

A sidenote, have you seen the new artwork for the new compilation? Its fucking genius.
really? I thought of Drudkh when listening to Two Hunters...especially the last two tracks

edit: @ Alter

No way. I only get a hint of Drudkh. I think the first track is a total Jesu worship song. Overall there is a fair amount of a drone-ish accent on this album.