Black Metal.

imo Mystic Circle is pretty much a 'meh'

And I'm quite surprised that the new Necros Christos album is getting so much praise. I think it's good but I didn't think it would have such a large following.
At last, some people in my camp.

However, I have to disagree with your assessment of ITNE's production. I don't find it at all gritty; instead I find it perfect in terms of acoustics and overall atmosphere it creates, as if it were recorded in the great hall of a stone castle (that's the image I get when listening to it).

For some reason, I get the vision of the moon and the stars when listening to the album. Especially on Cosmic Keys to My Creations and Times.
I still have yet to hear Memory and Destiny and Fire Of Awakening, but Dawn Of Iron Blades easily tops the list out of the rest.
Yeah, Dawn of Iron Blades is the strongest since Immortal Pride. Creed of Iron, Memory and Destiny and The Fire of Awakening are all up there, too.

Edit: I just listened to "song9 2006" for the first time and that is very, very fucking cool. The subtle keyboard that comes in around the middle of the track is masterful.
Dawn Of Iron Blades fucking rules! The new one is pretty good, also.

Church Bizarre is very good, definitely worth a look. They utilize heavy metal melodies quite a bit, very "catchy" stuff (not vapid by any means, though, so don't worry ;)).

I've been fond of Hellveto lately. I only have Prelude To Dying and In Arms Of Kurpian Phantom...wish I knew what else was good on the whole. Great shit.

ALSO, fuck...Octinomos' Welcome To My Planet is great! "Genocide Mass" is a fucking killer song!
I just listened to my recently-acquired copy of Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry and I must say it's been a while since I've been this blown away by an album. I knew these guys used keyboards, but I never expected them, given the praise they receive here, to be that symphonic in their sound. And they do it so well, so incredibly beautiful. This classic was made to be in my collection, and this was a band I was destined to discover. Do their later albums get as good as this?
Definitely. One of the most consistently good bands in metal, hands down.

One thing that should noted, however, is that the guitar-work on all the material following Lunar Poetry radically changes to black metal tremolo fests and is almost devoid of the prominent lead guitar melodies/shredding used on LP (and Twilightfall, for that matter).
I keep switching back and forth with Peste Noire. At one moment I like them and but than I dont. I really dont know why people rave about about Alcest so much.