Black Metal.

I keep switching back and forth with Peste Noire. At one moment I like them and but than I dont. I really dont know why people rave about about Alcest so much.

Peste Noire is a fantastic band...just not so much their new album. Debut album, and earlier material are much better.
Yeah, there was quite a bit of shredding on Twilightfall which surprised me when I first got it. I would hardly even consider the album black metal. The riffing has a much more death metal oriented feel to it not to mention the fact that the guitars are down-tuned to a death metal style tuning. Either way, it's an excellent CD.
I both the albums and I still am not getting it. Maybe with the computer off and at night I can understand it better.

Hmm...well I don't see what the problem is...perhaps you're trying to like them? I've been a fan of them for a long time and I generally like their style of black metal. And well, the new album isn't bad, it has some great moments on it but it seems more like failed potential, because it could have been a lot better.
Hmm...well I don't see what the problem is...perhaps you're trying to like them? I've been a fan of them for a long time and I generally like their style of black metal. And well, the new album isn't bad, it has some great moments on it but it seems more like failed potential, because it could have been a lot better.

I have had a music block the past 5 months. NOTHING HAS BEEN REALLY MIND BLOWING.
What's the best post-2000 Graveland album? I only heard "Will Stronger than Death" and liked it.

(Preferably I want the one with songwriting and sound in the vein of the track entitled "song9 2006" from here: )

the problem with newer graveland is that from "creed of iron" to "will stronger than death".... it sounds like one big long song without much change in term of execution. 90s graveland is certainly 10 times better than 2000s graveland, this is also probably because Capricornus left.

If you have one post2000 album, I don't think you need them all, maybe 2 at most, otherwise I don't see the point buying 10 times the same album.... and by the way Fires of Awakening is certainly his worse.... This album makes me fall asleep every times.

I hope Rob's going to change his productions/guitar tone and pagan metal approach someday.... because repetitiveness makes him loose his fans.... (talking about me there)
The new Blut Aus Nord is fucking brilliant folks. Retains the unsettling, disturbing character their music has, but has an old school Nordic feel to it as well. This is definitely up there for top 10 of 2007.
Equal, if not better. It's THAT good imo.

There is more colour in the production, without harming the music. Vocals are mixed lower, and are a nice, almost "passive" hatefilled delivery, filled with implied disgust. The drumming of course, is the typical brilliant BAN style.

Chord progressions are of subtle increase in tonal colour, keep in mind though, subtle, not to the point of being "overly" melodic (which imo would ruin their sound completely). Some nice sections of cold arpeggios, minor keys are wisely chosen.

Seriously - Im thinking top 3 or 5 of 2007. Its THAT good. This album is really fucking something. The album is good, but to say it's up there with fucking TWWTG is crazy talk!! TWWTG is immensely narrative, very epic in scope, and much more memorable than Odinist. I like the new one, but it's NOT the return to form they promised (though it is better than MoRT, fuck that album). The new one just ISN'T memorable has no personality. TWWTG is cold, calculating, and disturbing in how dissociated it is. The new one sounds like it's trying to reach that level, but also stumblingly trying to revert slightly to the older material (the use of melodic-ish arpeggios as you stated helps this, but there just isn't enough feeling...if you've heard the old music, you know what I mean, considering that is literally mind-blowing stuff). Oh well...maybe their follow up to Memoria Vetusta I will be excellent.

Oh, and speaking of the drum tracks; a lot of them sound directly lifted from TWWTG...kinda funny. I do like that programming sound, though, it's pretty nice and meanders well without going too far astray. The problem with MoRT, to me, was that the dissonance merely meandered aimlessly. That makes for a boring, soulless album.
The only difference in this one to TWWTG is that it is not as bent/disturbed, but imo Odinist is equal at the least, but not for the same reasons as TWWTG has its own strengths. Both differ slightly, but imo are equally powerful works.

I think it's definitely safe to say BAN have returned to form (which is a contradiction of a phrase as no one ever returns to form, they rather should extend on their strengths).
I disagree. It was not given the time it needed to fully develop. It is around 35 minutes; TWWTG is around 50.

I've listened to Odinist around 10 times, each time enjoying it is a very good album, especially considering that MoRT was a pile of crap. I have, of course, been with TWWTG much longer, and it ranks among my top 10 albums EVER probably. It is life-changing, dogma-breaking, a fucking horror of a disturbing work. The new one has no concept that is readily available; the sound does not fit (it is incongruous) with the themes (which, on the surface, are "just like" old material, to an extent). I will admit that this album is pretty good, but it probably won't make my top ten, whereas the new DSO definitely does... :p
Your assessment makes me very optimistic. I love TWWTG and if this new album is as you claim it to be, I should enjoy it a lot. Hopefully I can get hold of a copy before year's end.

edit: @ Hubster
I believe that if you like TWWTG, there is a very good chance you will enjoy Odinist quite a bit. HOWEVER, enjoying an album is not the same as elevating it to a position most high amongst all your albums. ;)

Also, Zeph, did you take my recommendation for Xenomorph to mind yet? I highly suggest 'em.
I will admit that this album is pretty good, but it probably won't make my top ten, whereas the new DSO definitely does... :p

(I don't mean top albums of all time, rather, of 2007) ... but fair enough man, I can understand where you're coming from... I just rate it much higher, but for different reasons as I would rate TWWTG highly - both have different characteristics which make them brilliant...

... as for the new DsO (and I love DsO btw), well I'm still getting my head around it. Structurally, it's quite odd (not a bad thing)...
It took me a few listens to even catch up with the new DSO, yes...then I bought it, and the album booklet kind of ties in a lot of the chaos for you. It includes some very evocative imagery and great lyrics that are devoid of "track markers" so some lyrics will randomly not follow how they are presented (both due to that and due to Mikko's horrible english :lol:).

Also I know you meant top of 2007. Mine is available here for perusing:

You would probably really like DTKWMDW. :)