Black Metal.


I'll just ask this here instead of creating a new thread in the recommendations. My interest in black metal has swiftly overtaken my interest in death recently (aside from brutal death which is fucking great). So, outside of the obvious (Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Satyricon, etc.), what are some of the great black albums? I especially like fairly fast paced black in the vein of 1349 and Waitan. What do you guys recommend?
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel Of Doom...
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Master's Hammer - Ritual
Throne Of Ahaz - Nifelheim
Stiny Plamenu - Odpadni Galerie
Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors Of Satan
(aside from brutal death which is fucking great)

OK, you deserve recommendations.

Try out these:

Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Stiny Plamenu - Ve Spine Je Pravda
Spite Extreme Wing - Magnificat
Octinomos - Welcome To My Planet
Eikenskaden - The Last Dance
I especially like fairly fast paced black in the vein of 1349 and Waitan. What do you guys recommend?

Funeral Mist, the best true black metal bands in the past 10 years.

Altar of Perversion is the second best.
I'll just ask this here instead of creating a new thread in the recommendations. My interest in black metal has swiftly overtaken my interest in death recently (aside from brutal death which is fucking great). So, outside of the obvious (Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Satyricon, etc.), what are some of the great black albums? I especially like fairly fast paced black in the vein of 1349 and Waitan. What do you guys recommend?
If you like 1349 you might like Kvlt of Azazel. I'd also recommend Marduk and Krieg.
I'll just ask this here instead of creating a new thread in the recommendations. My interest in black metal has swiftly overtaken my interest in death recently (aside from brutal death which is fucking great). So, outside of the obvious (Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Satyricon, etc.), what are some of the great black albums? I especially like fairly fast paced black in the vein of 1349 and Waitan. What do you guys recommend?

Besides what was mentioned, try early Naglfar, Keep of Kalessin, early Dark Funeral, Belphegor, early Behemoth, and Abigor.
It's considerably more raw in terms of production, especially the last half. The songwriting is not quite as solid as IoS, but there are still some strong riffs. There are a few really thrashy songs.

It's definitely not better, but not a bad release.
If I was going to be presumptuous enough to rate the album, I would say 60. Solid, slightly above average, but nothing really special. It was on "Inquisitors..." they first found that magic they would retain for a couple of albums.
I'm listening to Ganzmord's Monolithic In Darkness. It is fairly good USBM. Sloppy and garage-y BM...I'll admit I mainly downloaded it due to the cool cover.
Got Vittra the other day, seems like a 'grower.' Though I can't stop listening to Bolt Throwers The IVth Crusade, so it might be awhile before I listen to it again.