Black Metal.

Bethlehem question: How does Dark Metal compare to Dictius Te Necare?

From what of I remember of DTN, its song structures were as horribly disjointed and directionless as the ones on Opeth's first album... that's not a good thing at all, but maybe it deserves a second listen.
I'm mostly into black metal, though there is much other great genres and many of them are better than most black metal bands, I just listen and have listened this genre so long and much.

Here's list of my favs of bands that has at least one black metal album I like:

...and Oceans
Bishop of Hexen
Cradle of Filth
Dimmu Borgir
Hecate Enthroned
Limbonic Art
Throne of Katarsis

...and tons of band I can't recall right at this moment...
I've finally gotten around to listening to Grom's Beastial Onslaught, courtesy of Dodens. This is the most blatant NSBM I've heard. When they play black metal, it's pretty rocking. It's full of other Nazi stuff, but not too annoying. The Sunwheel side of the split is very enjoyable.
I'm currently listening to Holmgang's new album "Gengangerens Kvad" and it's excellent like most releases from Total Holocaust Records, very underrated black metal bands from denmark.
I've finally gotten around to listening to Grom's Beastial Onslaught, courtesy of Dodens. This is the most blatant NSBM I've heard. When they play black metal, it's pretty rocking. It's full of other Nazi stuff, but not too annoying. The Sunwheel side of the split is very enjoyable.

If you enjoy Sunwheel, you might want to check out Fanisk
I listened to Odinist a while back and overall, it's alright. I think they'd be a lot better with more variation amongst the songs because after a while, it can become monotonous and boring....not bad though, but not anything special either.

Also, it looks like Sorrow Galaxies has been leaked, downloading it right now.
leaked where?

I download albums from a variety of sources, but here from a Russian site which uploads albums in rar format via ifolder etc.

I've listened to the album, and it sounds alright, fairly good...the last song sounds pretty sweet though...but I don't trust my judgment because I am sick, and haven't slept in two days.

Edit: I'll have to re-listen to it when my mind isn't so 'lost.'
I'm listening to the Crebain half of Crebain/Leviathan, and I can't understand why no one has mentioned this band here. It's not super original or anything, but it's very well done riff-based BM. The thrash influence is pretty prominent, and there's really nothing pretentious about the music. I swear, if this was coming from France, people would be shitting bricks over it.

Agreed. I listened to this again for the first time in a while the other day, and Crebain always struck me as particularly catchy. The drum sound on the Leviathan half is also especially organic considering it's a drum machine, while I think is kinda cool.
I'm currently listening to Holmgang's new album "Gengangerens Kvad" and it's excellent like most releases from Total Holocaust Records, very underrated black metal bands from denmark.

Check out Hekel's De Dodenvaart album off THR if you haven't already. Burzumic, mid-paced with tortured vocals. One of my favourite gems.

Also, Poland's Zavorash - "Nihilistic Ascension & Spiritual Death" while not groundbreaking by any means, is a fucking good record, also on THR. Vocalist TotalScorn recently did vocals on a Black n Roll album called IXXI (self titled).