Black Metal.

How does newest Blut Aus Nord compare to their first album in terms of quality and style. I was told Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Age was also good, but I thought it did not even come close to the first album.
new Ban is basically Mort with a better production and faster songs..... it's good but not great.
Also, Poland's Zavorash - "Nihilistic Ascension & Spiritual Death" while not groundbreaking by any means, is a fucking good record, also on THR. Vocalist TotalScorn recently did vocals on a Black n Roll album called IXXI (self titled).

I know them well, pretty good bands (long story ahead).

They are from Sweden actually, and I know the drummer very well (Necromorbus) since he's running the studio wich most swedish albums are recorded on, such as Watain, Funeral Mist, Zavorash, Ofermod, etc...

This album had been announced back in 2003 via Selbstmord Service (Shining's own label) but got delayed for 3 years.... I asked Necro so many times to release it that he finally executed my wish.... but honestly I prefered the demo collection better.
Faster songs? Not really...some songs on TWWTG are very fast (Axis is one of the fastest songs ever, probably!...awesome programming on those blastbeats!) sounds like TWWTG + a hint of their old stuff in some of the arpeggios and melodies.
Anybody here have any favorite black metal guitar riffs?

One that instantly comes to my mind is the main riff in the song "War" by Burzum. Me like that riff a lot.
Intro riff on Transylvanian Hunger is an obvious one and one of my all time favorites. The main riff from Leviathan - Unfailing Fall Into Naught. A bunch from Krieg - Fallen Princes of Sightless Vision. One of my favorite is also the melodic one from Nachtmystium - Scorpio Incarnate.
^Transilvanian Hunge ris a great riff, Jesus's Tod intro riff is great, it should'be been played more in that song. I am The Black Wizards main trmeolo riff, Mother North, the song Nemesis Divina also has one of the best riffs I've ever heard in black metal near the 1:00 mark, even Dimmu Borgir's main Sorgens Kammer del 2 riff is in my favorites.
Anybody here have any favorite black metal guitar riffs?

One that instantly comes to my mind is the main riff in the song "War" by Burzum. Me like that riff a lot.

What ever answer I think of probably has this in it somewhere:

My tribute to that video:

Faster songs? Not really...some songs on TWWTG are very fast (Axis is one of the fastest songs ever, probably!...awesome programming on those blastbeats!) sounds like TWWTG + a hint of their old stuff in some of the arpeggios and melodies.

I mean faster than MORT, which was quite slow.

by the way, I'm currently listening to Mutiilation's Sorrow Galaxies and sounds like Willy took influence from DSO - FAS by including longs songs (10-12mins) and adding REAL drums (I can't stand drumcomputer most of the times).

after 1 listen I say it's good but nothing that is amazing.