Black Metal.

jeez people don't understand anything these days... I never said Mutiilation ripped DSO.... only that Willy and Hasjarl are close friends and both albums have the same productions.

by the way, I'm currently listening to Mutiilation's Sorrow Galaxies and sounds like Willy took influence from DSO - FAS by including longs songs (10-12mins) and adding REAL drums (I can't stand drumcomputer most of the times).

Umm... I'm sensing a disconnect here
Strid is excellent...but I don't see how Varg is a rip off. If anything, Strid probably took influence from Burzum.

Filosofem was completed in the early months of '93. Strid's EP was apparently recorded in '93 and released in '94...not to mention how unknown Strid probably was at that time, and I highly doubt Varg took notice of Strid's recording/writing sessions looking for inspiration...:Smug:
We should leave it that both Strid and Burzum are both good/original in their own ways.

(additionally, it would be have been nice if Strid had recorded more material, than what, three songs total?)
Strid is excellent...but I don't see how Varg is a rip off. If anything, Strid probably took influence from Burzum.

Filosofem was completed in the early months of '93. Strid's EP was apparently recorded in '93 and released in '94...not to mention how unknown Strid probably was at that time, and I highly doubt Varg took notice of Strid's recording/writing sessions looking for inspiration...:Smug:

Burzum wasn't "more" known back in 1992.... they (he?) mainly got popular because of the murder stories.
Burzum wasn't "more" known back in 1992.... they (he?) mainly got popular because of the murder stories.

He sure was a hell of a lot more popular than Strid, and was already known for his time in Old Funeral and Mayhem, and his releases were selling out, etc. So yeah, again you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about. Obviously he became more well known after the murders and the greater media grabbed hold of his story, but relatively speaking, Varg was a huge character in the Norwegian Black Metal scene as it was occurring.
Am I the only one who finds Taake's (or Hoest for that matter) guitar work and riffage different from normal black metal? Especially on Hordaland Doedskvad.
Am I the only one who finds Taake's (or Hoest for that matter) guitar work and riffage different from normal black metal? Especially on Hordaland Doedskvad.

No I'm of the same thought. It's strange listening to that album. It's undeniably black metal, yet the guitar work is unlike most black metal I've heard. It's far more complex.

Borknagar is a similar band in terms of guitar-work, but not as complex as Taake's.
The Taake trilogy is excellent, I hope they'll continue in that way instead of the crappy Nekro EP.