Black Metal.

*attempts to derail the lame Dimmu discussion*

So about that Burzum? Best ALBUM (as a whole and judged holistically) is HLTO, best group of songs on a CD = Burzum/Aske. Disagreements??

I agree that Hvis... is the best album, but I reckon Det Som En gang Var is the best collection of songs. Burzum/Aske is quite easily my least favourite metal offering from Burzum.

On another subject, Ragnarok's Nattferd is some good shit.
How is Wolves In The Throne Room's new one? I was thinking about picking it up if I can find it at my local Sam Goody.

It's great for what it is. I really like them, although I feel that they may be just an asshair over rated. By over rated I mean I really like them, just not as much as some people do.

They do put on a great live show. They tremolo pick like nuts, but they put a lot of heart into it & they're great guys.
It's great for what it is. I really like them, although I feel that they may be just an asshair over rated. By over rated I mean I really like them, just not as much as some people do.

They do put on a great live show. They tremolo pick like nuts, but they put a lot of heart into it & they're great guys.

Sorry, but it really seems like you're just talking out of your ass 95% of the time. err.

My favorite Burzum is Filosofem.
What I meant was Burzum/Aske as having some of Burzum's best single songs (Ea, etc.).

Burzum/Aske was the last album designed to be listened to as single songs.

Starting with Det Som Engang Var, his albums were designed to be heard as albums, half-ambient and half-metal

The guy's a whackjob who makes great music, and probably is busy giving great head to Russians in his newfound Nordic prison home.
Burzum/Aske was the last album designed to be listened to as single songs.

Starting with Det Som Engang Var, his albums were designed to be heard as albums, half-ambient and half-metal

The guy's a whackjob who makes great music, and probably is busy giving great head to Russians in his newfound Nordic prison home.
:lol: Burzum/Aske was really good, but seemed to have a few songs that werent so great, but it had great songs, overall it's about an 8.5 for me, a classic but it doesnt live up to things like Nemesis Divina, Dark Medieval Times or In The Nightside Eclipse. I'm really not sure whether my next Burzum CD will be Det Som Engang Var or Filosofem, Jesus's Tod is a great song, so is Dunkelheit, the only thing that turns me off about Filosofem is the long ambient tracks, oh well, I'm sure I'll eventually get both of them in the near future, I was more impressed with the songs I heard off Filosofem than Det Som Engang Var.
:lol: Burzum/Aske was really good, but seemed to have a few songs that werent so great, but it had great songs, overall it's about an 8.5 for me, a classic but it doesnt live up to things like Nemesis Divina, Dark Medieval Times or In The Nightside Eclipse. I'm really not sure whether my next Burzum CD will be Det Som Engang Var or Filosofem, Jesus's Tod is a great song, so is Dunkelheit, the only thing that turns me off about Filosofem is the long ambient tracks, oh well, I'm sure I'll eventually get both of them in the near future, I was more impressed with the songs I heard off Filosofem than Det Som Engang Var.

...yet you can stomach Six Feet Under?