Black Metal.

Mathiäs;6740047 said:
Sorry, but it really seems like you're just talking out of your ass 95% of the time. err.

I don't see how. I made a pretty simple comment about Wolves in the Throne Room... :rolleyes: I'm sorry I don't go nuts for some of the same albums you do, I guess. Besides, I said I liked Wolves & I worship Sym-X. I think you just read the surface of my posts & make your own fast judgement. I can definitely call a band over rated (a lil') & still like them.
I haven't heard either or his ambient albums, but I'm open to try them out.

Also I have yet to acquire Burzum/Aske. I'll probably pick that up after Christmas.
I haven't heard either or his ambient albums, but I'm open to try them out.

Also I have yet to acquire Burzum/Aske. I'll probably pick that up after Christmas.

the last one was good... even daudi baldrs had some good moments
I haven't heard either or his ambient albums, but I'm open to try them out.

Also I have yet to acquire Burzum/Aske. I'll probably pick that up after Christmas.

Burzum/Aske is my personal favorites. Best riffs he ever wrote, at least in the highest concentration.

I'm not a big fan of his ambient albums, but they're alright for a listen every now and then. I wouldn't spend too much on them, though.
Do you like Hlidskjalf? I sent a song to Nick and he enjoyed it.

I don't like Hlidskjalf; seems too rushed and has too much filler. IMO, Daudi Baldrs is the better of the two ambient albums.

But Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the best album by them, IMO, as a cohesive whole.
Daudi Baldrs was always Varg's flop album I thought. Hlidskjalf has a couple of notable tracks on it, but a lot of filler. He had potential on Hlidskjalf but wasn't able to bring it out.
Folks - does anyone know where I can find a good (digital, i.e. divx/xvid) copy of promo video by Venom? The Bloodlust performance on it is widely hailed as an incredible one (and it is). These vids are from a Venom promo VHS tape which came out originally back in 1982 or so, and consisted of only two songs "Witching Hour" and Bloodlust"

Please PM me if you have any ideas. Thanks.
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