Black Metal.

They do indeed fucking rule face. Not to mention, whenever I see a pic of them I laugh my tits off. Never read any interviews with them but I hope they dont take themselved very seriously, haha. Doesnt seem so anyhow.
PH is great, but would be even better if the production didn't suck. Immortal played a style of bm where bad production doesn't really work. On PH, the production sometimes makes it so blurry that you can't make out what the guitars are playing.
PH is great, but would be even better if the production didn't suck. Immortal played a style of bm where bad production doesn't really work. On PH, the production sometimes makes it so blurry that you can't make out what the guitars are playing.

I don't think it makes THAT much of a difference, especially since there's much worse production on albums that suffer from such an ailment to a higher degree (i.e. ITNE).

And AtHoW and PH are in a completely different league, so they're not really comparable.
I don't mind In the Nightside Eclipse's production either. Jeez you people are nitpicky. Try listening to Ildjarn's self-titled (which I also like but the production is undeniably terrible).