Black Metal.


Minimal but effective.
Has anybody learned to play Inno A Satana on guitar yet? I started learning to play it today and it was very interesting, it had some parts that I couldn't tell the speed to, keep in mind I'm learning the first 30 seconds or so, the 3 Times the main riff is played and the little string picks after it. yeah, I hope someone understands what I'm talking about. :p
Has anybody learned to play Inno A Satana on guitar yet? I started learning to play it today and it was very interesting, it had some parts that I couldn't tell the speed to, keep in mind I'm learning the first 30 seconds or so, the 3 Times the main riff is played and the little string picks after it. yeah, I hope someone understands what I'm talking about. :p

How long have you been playing guitar?
I need some BM with a thick bassy sound that is more typical of DM - I don't really want black/death but that'll work I suppose.
I think all the bands I would suggest have been said but I'll make a short list of albums

Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay
Krieg - The Black House
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning
Leviathan - The Tenth Sublevel of Suicide
Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve
More good USBM:

Abazagorath - Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus
Krohm - A World Through Dead Eyes
Thornspawn - Wrath of War (if you don't mind mindless BM)
Ibex Throne - Ibex Throne
Blood Storm - Pestilence From the Dragonstar (black/thrash)
Oh man, Ibex Throne, I completely forgot about them... good stuff.

On USBM, nobody had mentioned I Shalt Become yet. Shame on you.
Also Night Conquers Day, not what you'd expect from USBM, but still ace.